During the first two years of Obama's presidential dream world, I could scarcely keep up. It was one "big idea" after another, most of which never came to pass.
In March (the 23rd) of 2010, the man signed into law, one of the poorest written pieces of legislation imaginable (ObamaCare) and we have been dealing with that fact, the ineptness of the legislation, itself, since its signing. He and his Harvard clowns had four years to prepare for "opening day" (October of 2014) and we all know profundity of that failure. Epic and laughable.
In July of 2010, he signed the Dodd/Frank "too big to fail" law with its core element being the "Volcher Rule." Five full years after its signing, the law will finally demand compliance to this bankruptcy protection rule (?), beginning in July of 2015*. Note that this law was only 20% written at the time of its signing, and the health care reform law (ObamaCare) was a 2,700 document on March 23rd and is a nominal 20,000 page document, today.
Since July of 2010, there has been a dearth of accomplished activity at the federal level. And, now, with a year and a half to go, Obama is facing a couple of quietly held investigations, a Middle East that is in flames because of his immaturity and incompetence, and a president with no ability to work with congress and no over-all agenda for the end of his days.
Such is the circumstance in which I find myself, as a narrowly focused political pundit.
Most recently, he lied to a federal judge, and because of that fact, his executive ordered immigration dictates, have been put on hold . . . . . . since February. So, not much to report, on this storyline.
His dream of bringing the world together, as to global warming and its unwritten agenda of wealth transfer to the so-called poorer nations of the world, collapsed in September of 2009, along with his much talked about Geneva initiative. Again, nothing of consequence to report or write about, here.
In June of 2009, Obama flew to Cairo to give his "New Beginnings" speech "to the Muslim world." Six years later, the Arab community feels betrayed by this "maker of peace," the Middle East is in flames, and his nation building nonsense in Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Egypt, are a testament to his abject incompetence rooted in his inability to follow through with anything meaningful as relates to diplomacy.
There was that 2009 Stimulus, a trillion dollar money grab as pay back to all who supported his 2008 election campaign. Before it was finished, unemployment had risen from 7.5% to 10% as 3 of every 4 dollars went to Democrat congressional districts and our national/socialist inspired unions. In other words, the Stimulus failed.
We had TARP, a 700 billion dollar fund designed to stop the Wall Street Collapse of late 2008. The fund was managed, in part, by Elizabeth Warren, and was used by Big Money to funnel somewhere between 7 trillion and 24 trillion dollars back into the banking coffers of this once great nation. Before TARP, Wall Street had lost 700 points in a single 24 hour period. After TARP, four months later, the Street had lost nearly 4,000 points. TARP was never about "saving Wall Street," and always about propping up Big Banking . . . . . . and all of this was on Obama's watch.
He thought he was going to turn this country around with his Jobs Theory, to include the manufacturing of dual glazed windows (we were going to become the world leader in glass ) , fixing potholes and insulating our nations homes, and giving away electric golf carts as a tool to restart the auto industry. He even considered painting roof tops and our nation's highway system white, to create jobs and lead the world in global warming strategies. Of course, none of this happened, and his "shovel ready" strategy became a laughable failure . . . . an embarrassment to anyone with an ounce of commonsense.
I could go on, but the point is made: his silly ideas are no more, we have far fewer trusted friends in the world than "before Obama," his jobs theory is a proven joke, and he has managed to take the Democrat Party from its strongest positioning, ever, to its lowest since 1928, with 2016 looming as a fearful possibility, if you are a Marxist Progressive.
My point? Not much to write about. Things will pick up by this time, next year. In the meantime, I will write often enough to keep this free blog alive. And by next Spring, we will be off to the races.
*Final Rules Implementing the Volcher Rule.
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