Why has the tentative Senate minority leader, Chuck Schumer, turned on Obama?

 Speaking of details in the Iranian “deal,”  Obama states the outcome at the end of the agreement timetable.  Understand that the when he speaks of “13,14,15 . . .” he really means 10 years or less,  not ten years or more.  That language is not in the agreement. 

Obama:    . . . . . .  in year 13, 14, 15, they have advanced centrifuges that enrich uranium fairly rapidly, and at that point the breakout times would have shrunk almost down to zero.”

In other words,  ten years from now,  Iran can have a bomb, legally,  while Obama is off golfing or bragging about his accomplishment,  “back in the day.”  Understand that his comments are in direct conflict with John Kerry’s prediction concerning this “deal,”  “Iran will not be allowed to have a bomb,  period.” 

Well,  we all know,  that this Administration does not get the meaning of “period.”  Clearly,  it is not predictive or emphatic as a realty,  but is only used as an expletive of some sort.  We all remember,  “If you want to keep your insurance,  you can keep your insurance,  period.”  All of that was sheer,  in your face,  deliberate,  barnyard, but,  that is "OK" with a huge population within the Democrat Party faithful.  

Know this,  that immediately after this statement by Obama,  Chuck Schumer came out voicing his support for a Senate bill that demands that house of Congress have the power of review and approval concerning the Iranian agreement. 

Now you know why Obama is so concerned about Congressional hopes for the passage of this Senate demand. 

1 comment:

  1. Things have never been good between Obama and Schumer. As a Democrat, I am embarrassed by the nonsense of Harry Reid. I do think that Schumer will be a major improvement to Reid. And, with little mention in the press, Schumer has opposed the President before. See this article out of 2010 for some details.: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1210/46223.html
