Like Radical Islam, Radical Journalism (MSNBC) is taking a serious hit, while Fox News flourishes.

Earlier this month, Ronan Farrow's show (MSNBC)  hit a new low in the 25-54 demo ratings with just 11,000 viewers. During the same hour, Fox led with 202K and CNN had 154K. Even Al Jazeera America topped MSNBC with 22K."

Editor's note:  Say "good bye" to Frank Sinatra's son.  Think about it:  11,000 people is a very small town,  and that was MSNBC's target audience last week,  with Farrow at the helm.  

Even Obama does not watch this network,  anymore.  


  1. Smart people listen to smart people. American people eat like they consume news. McDonalds - over a Billion served. Obesity flourishes, just like ignorance and stupidity.

    1. And so, MSNBC hasn't a chance in a world that demands a degree of excellence in journalism. Cool.
