Daily News Update thanks to White House Dossier - You will find a few rather shocking news stories in this review.

The Right Stuff In The Morning

Wednesday, December 10, 2014  

Good morning! In the news today:  Obama's amnesty is designed to be permanent and include far more than the 5 million ostensibly protected; Obama may seek ground troops for fighting ISIS; Senate releases torture report; GOP rebuts; Gruber apologizes but refuses to really engage on his videotaped comments; and two thirds of U.S. kids are on some form of federal aid.

Have a great day, if possible.

Obama amnesty designed to be permanent . . . The man who will oversee President Obama’s new temporary amnesty said Tuesday that part of the reason for the program was to get the illegal immigrants working on the books, making it economically impossible for them ever to be deported by a future president. Leon Rodriguez, speaking during a town hall meeting with his employees at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, said illegal immigrants shouldn’t fear coming forward to report for the program because the order Mr. Obama issued last month will cement their place in society. Washington Times
Obama: Amnesty for many more than 5 million . . .  Obama told a group of illegal immigrants in Tennessee that his immigration-law rewrite means “you’re not going to be deported.” Obama’s admission acknowledged that his Nov. 21 declaration provides a de-facto amnesty for the 12 million illegals living in the United States. Daily Caller
Obama: Future president unlikely to reverse me . . . The next president won’t dare take the political risk that would come with undoing recent executive action on immigration reform, a defiant President Obama said Tuesday as he predicted his highly controversial steps will survive the test of time, even under a Republican administration.Washington Times
This time, unfortunately, Obama speaks the truth.
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WH: No enhanced techniques, even if they got Bin Laden . . . White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest indicated Monday that the enhanced interrogation techniques employed under the Bush administration should not have been used, even if they helped snare Osama Bin Laden. White House Dossier
Obama pal Whitaker plays race card in court . . . Eric Whitaker, who has been friends with President Obama since their days together as graduate students at Harvard, was excused from testimony after he leveled charges of racism against the prosecutors. White House Dossier
HHS to stop inflating numbers with dental plans . . . CMS told Congress that 7.3 million people were enrolled in “health care coverage” under Obamacare. But it was later discovered that about 400,000 of those people only had dental coverage. The Blaze 
Gruber was paid $1.25M by Bush administration . . . For the $2.2 million MIT economist Jonathan Gruber has been paid by the federal government since 2000, he collected $516,000 during Clinton’s presidency, $1,248,000 during the Bush administration, and $452,600 after President Barack Obama took office. CNS News
Barack Obama, All-American . . . Perhaps you too have been wondering why it is that President Obama is always, always telling us who we are as Americans and who we are not . . . The president and his supporters have embarked on their own via negativa, defining true Americans by eliminating, rhetorically, the ones who disagree with him. It’s an odd mission for a man who as a candidate told us there was no blue America or red America, only the United States of America. But that’s not who he is as a president. Andrew Ferguson
Obama seeks expanded war powers . . . Secretary of State John F. Kerry told Congress Tuesday that President Obama wants expansive war powers to pursue the Islamic State terrorists wherever and however he deems necessary, stunning lawmakers by requesting a war authorization that would even allow the Pentagon to commit American combat troops to the fight. Washington Times
Airports screened 2,000, but none had Ebola . . . Nearly 2,000 travelers from West Africa who arrived at five U.S. airports over a recent one-month period were screened for Ebola, but the screenings did not reveal any of these people to actually have the disease, according to a new report. LiveScience
Senate releases scathing report on CIA . . . A Democrat-led Senate panel released a scathing report Tuesday on CIA interrogation practices amid warnings from lawmakers that the findings could "endanger the lives of Americans" -- a concern the Obama administration apparently shared as it put more than 6,000 Marines on high alert. Fox News
GOP rebuts: Programs saved lives . . . The CIA’s enhanced interrogation program “saved lives and played a vital role in weakening Al Qaeda,” according to a minority report from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence released on Tuesday. Fox News
Congress reaches deal on $1.1T spending bill . . . Congressional negotiators unveiled a $1.1 trillion U.S. spending bill that aims to avoid a government shutdown at midnight on Thursday and punts an immigration showdown between Republicans and President Barack Obama until February. Reuters
Gruber apologizes . . . Jonathan Gruber said Tuesday he was glib, insulting and speaking well beyond his abilities when he called American voters stupid and said Obamacare backers had to game the system to get the law passed. But he also denied he was its architect, or even a very important part of the health care conversation. Washington Times
He apologized, but his "I was an idiot" act allowed him to duck responsibility for his comments and refuse to engage Republicans on the substance of what he said.
Gruber admits he knew not all could keep their plan . . . So why did President Obama say they could? "I have no answer to that question," Gruber said. White House Dossier
Gowdy gets in a jab at Ronan Farrow . . . Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., jabbed at MSNBC’s Ronan Farrow on Tuesday, referring to the cable host’s program as a “very obscure television show.” Washington Free Beacon
America among the least racist countries . . . From 2010 to 2014, the World Values Survey asked residents in over 50 countries who they would not want as neighbors. Just over 5 percent of respondents in the United States said “people of a difference race.” That’s far more tolerant a response than citizens of most others gave. As a comparison, 15 percent of Germans, 41 percent of Indians and 22 percent of Japanese said they wouldn’t want to live next to “people of a different race.” Daily Caller
Someone tell Eric Holder, quick! Oh, and Barack Obama.
UN calls for torture trials against U.S. agents . . . A United Nations human rights official is calling for individuals who carried out, planned or authorized abusive practices against al-Qaeda detainees in the aftermath of 9/11 to be put on trial, saying the U.S. was obliged under international law “to bring those responsible to justice.” CNS News
Iran indoctrinates children to fight Israel . . . The Iranian regime has launched a nationwide social media campaign called, “We Love Fighting Israel,” which encourages Iranian children, teens, and Internet users to photograph themselves alongside messages of hate for the Jewish state.Free Beacon
Sixteen facts about Sharpton the media won't tell you . . . President Obama's chief advisor on racial issues has a long rap sheet of misdeeds that would spur most men to go hide somewhere in shame for the rest of their years. Newsmax
Two thirds of children on federal aid . . . The Census Bureau reported in a study released this week that 65 percent of American children lived in households taking aid from one or more federal program as of the fall of 2011. How to be dependent on government is now one of the earliest life lessons America is teaching nearly a supermajority of children. CNS News
Half of Medicaid docs not accepting patients . . . Turns out finding a doctor who accepts Medicaid is almost twice as difficult as many people expected. Daily Caller

Obamacare, of course, vastly expands Medicaid.

Texas professor compares Tea Party to Nazis . . . A professor at South Texas College in Weslaco was captured on video explaining to his students some of the perceived similarities between modern day tea party members and 1930’s-era Nazis in Germany — and then imploring them to not tell anyone outside the classroom of his comparison.Washington Times

School tells kids they can have sex, choose gender . . . Some parents are irate that their children’s sex ed class at Acalanes High School in Lafayette is being taught by employees of Planned Parenthood without their prior knowledge. They are also fuming over the methods and materials being used, including a checklist that asks students if they are “ready for sex” and another worksheet that describes how to give and obtain consent, as well as a diagram that uses a "genderbread" person for lessons in gender identity. Fox News

Missouri pub offers Michael Brown "six-shot special" . . . A Missouri pub is facing backlash over a six-shot drink special that invoked the Ferguson police shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown. Washington Times

Lying for the cause . . . If myths do more for social progress than facts — then why worry? Victor Davis Hanson 
Keith Koffler
White House Dossier

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