Imagine: Obama believes there are federal bureaucrats who actually work sacrificially. Know who these people are? Neither does anyone else.

Obama hails 'extraordinary sacrifice' of bureaucrats

President hits "political climate where folks ... talk down government for cheap applause.” 

Editor's review: You should know that bureaucrats are employees of the government who work to finish writing laws passed by the legislature,  write and implement the regulatory burden on the people of this once great nation,  and,  in general serve the current Administrator in our White House.  They are always unnamed and serve by appointment or anonymous hiring;  they are never presented for confirmation.  The sad fact of the matter is this - and this has been true for decades -  the bureaucracy writes our laws, burdens us with an ever expanding and regressive tax code,  and,  more often than not,  advances their own political agenda.  He who writes our laws and regulations,  rules the nation.  

Think about it:  ObamaCare,  when signed into law on March 23, 2010,  was 2700 pages of unread legislation.  Bureaucrats wrote those first 2,700 pages and,  since that day in March,  have added another 20,000 pages of legal crap to the text of that obscenely written law.  I am saying this:  the writing of federal law is not a part of the representative process,  in fact,  it is so removed from the legislative process,  that no one in Washington,  has any clue as to the totality of federal law or what it provides,  in terms of legally applied political opportunity.  All we know about the current governance is this:  it is in the hands of an unnamed bureaucratic cartel that is One World Marxist at its core,  and unstoppable in the defining and application of its agenda.  Seriously,  how do you stop an anonymous but effectual force?   

With the words " . . . .  no one in Washington,  has any clue as to the totality of federal law or what it provides  . . . . .  " I want the reader to realize that virtually all that Obama is doing to undermine the historicity of this nation is  . . . . . . . . . .  LEGAL AND EXPRESSES THE VERY LIMITS OF LAW.  The "presidency" has been an opportunity for legal dictatorial process for years and years. The only thing that has kept that from happening,  I speak of a "dictatorship,"  is the element of trust.  Turns out that Obama is not trustworthy,  and is only using the powers our feckless leaders have given him.  

What is most frustrating about the current reality, is the fact that the "conservative" side of this picture,  has allowed its allowed its existence,  and added to power of the presidency,  in hopes of occupying that office in the future.  The McCain Republicans iof this world,  are as much a part of this problem as are the Progressive Utopians.  "Government by the people,  of the people and for the people" has not been our reality for decades  . . .   maybe a 100 years or more  . . . . .   certainly since the time of Woodrow Wilson.  And what is written,  is never unwritten.  

And that,  ladies and gentlemen,  is why Obama is feeling appreciation for the unnamed,  federal class of "legislators."  They are writing his laws and regulations and doing so,  tirelessly.    

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