Carrying on the theme of "Democrats, a dysfunctional party," we have the developing story of a split within that party over the issue of CIA prosecutions relating to "enhanced interrogations."

The story is found at The Hill, here,  and details a whiny and ousted  (per the final results of the 2014 mid-terms) Mark Udall (S - Co),  charging the Administration with a failure to keep its promises.  The Far Left wants blood as payback for the Iraqi War.  Party leaders,  who pride themselves on their ability to outsmart their Republican opposition,  found themselves voting to support that war.  How Bush pulled that off,  is somewhat of a mystery,  but it happened,  and,  now,  that leadership wants to pretend they have stood in honor,  as to their opposition to preventative war.  Problem:  they have reality staring them in the face.

Make no mistake,  the outgoing cast of Senate characters is mad as hell,  as they stand in the rubble of the 2014 disaster.  As they walk out the door,  some of them are giving their presidential leader the bony finger,  knowing that it was his arrogance and runny mouth that helped fuel their demise.  Part of their anger is being leveled at some of Obama's broken promises.  Of course,  these departing clowns,  do not care about the lies and broken promises told to the American people,  because those lies helped implement ObamaCare   . . . .   hypocrites all.

They forget that the Holder DOJ has investigated CIA operatives as to the matter of Bush era interrogations,  without a decision to prosecute anyone.  So they have been forced out of office and/or into positions of 2nd class congressional citizens  (how does it feel,  Democrats?)  without so much as a taste of political payback.

In fact,  the released CIA report,  by the hapless Diane Feinstein,  is not lifting the Democrat Party out of their poor standing with the American people.  Their last self-serving fire at the GOP is proving to be a worthless waste of time,  all but forgotten by this time next week   . . . . . .    at least,  that is my prediction.  They are getting exactly what they deserve out of this report  --  nothing.


  1. As predicted, the blog editor and Fox News run to support the Bush/Cheney torture policies.

    Consider today's Fox News coverage of this report:
    "'DEEPLY FLAWED' - Former VP Cheney slams Senate report on torture
    VIDEO: Cheney slams CIA report
    Ex-CIA director claims CIA interrogations yielded 'home-depot' sized trove of intel
    Goldberg: CIA report on torture is an intellectually dishonest document'"

    Obama has censored the photos of the torture. Obama also failed to prosecute those involved in illegally destroying the videos of the torture that were ordered by court judges. Obama must take action or he is culpable, essentially an accessory to these crimes.

    These acts of torture were comparable to those in which Japanese war criminals were executed. The report definitively documents that there was no actionable intelligence gained through these war crimes, no matter what Fox News or Dick Cheney says, or what talking points this blog spews.

    What most people are calling the 'torture report' will soon be made public however, it is just a 500 + page summary. The full report is 6700 pages, 38,000 footnotes and citations, it draws upon 6 million CIA documents. There is NO debate here. The Bush administration committed war crimes. To be fair, it is likely that President Bush was not aware of the extent of these actions, however, Cheney certainly was.

    If we are a nation of justice, criminal prosecutions are required to rectify these crimes and those responsible need to be held accountable. We are not ISIS, we do not tolerate torture, we are better than that.

    Is this blog editor better than a disgusting war criminal? I have my doubts.

    1. Right or wrong, enhanced interrogations were known to the very people who are "outraged" today, same people who wrote the report. 40 closed door meetings between the CIA and the two intel committees in congress where held between 2003 and 2007, when the program was ended - no waterboarding after 2005.

      75% of everything we knew about al Qaeda in 2004 - 2007 was gleaned from these interrogations. To compare waterboarding to Japanese war crimes demonstrates just how retarded the Left has become. No one was disfigured, no one died or was seriously injured . . . . . . no one. Compare this to Obama's drone killings in which somewhere between 2,400 and 6,000 "by-standing" non-targeted men, women, children have been indiscriminately killed. How in the hell do you justify that fact-without-debate" ??

      Your cut and paste crap article claims "we are better than that." Better than what? The killing of "innocents" in your presidents drone attacks? Allowing 150,000 Syrians to be murdered without lifting a finger? Going to sleep 5 hours before two Navy Seals in Benghazi are murdered, not knowing their Commander in Chief had already written them off for the sake some damn election?
      "Opaque yellow" is the primary "color" of this Marxist driven Administration. You all have no moral authority to critique any decision made by others, in view of your personal failings.

      And you are right about me. I don't give a damn about these interrogated terrorists. They had information we needed to know. There was talk, at the time and immediately after 9/11, that suggested a second wave of homeland attacks including a possible dirty bomb . . . . no time to be cautious with our interrogation tactics. If there had been another attack, in 2002 and the days following, Bush would have been impeached. And no such attacks have occurred since 9/11 . . . . . . not until Obama, that is. Under his feckless policies, we no longer capture and interrogate. We know longer know the long range and detailed plans of our enemies thanks to the policies of the Left and their leader. As a result, more than 400 Americans have been killed or wounded within our 48 state borders, since and because of Obama. Are we better than THAT? Obviously not.

      Do you know that the interrogation techniques used, violated no US laws, was investigated by two DOJ agencies including Holder's, without a single prosecution? Do you know that Obama hired his CIA and FBI chiefs, out of the intel community that supported enhanced interrogations?

      No one within the CIA was interviewed, not a single interrogation agent was interviewed. For that reason, this report is hardly "comprehensive." In fact, it is only a partisan "parting shot across the bow" by a party that has been destroyed in three elections, elections that have move Democrat Progressives from their strongest positioning in their history, to their weakest since 1928. You are laughable and pathetic, and will score no political gain from this ridiculous and biased report.

  2. Just to show how ignorant and out of touch this blog editor is with reality, he states:

    "No one was disfigured, no one died or was seriously injured ... no one"

    Just so happens that the 2007 Oscar award winning documentary was based on an episode where a prisoner was tortured to death by US forces at Bagram AFB.

    According to the report Dilawar was "chained to the ceiling of his cell, suspended by his wrists for four days. His arms were dislocated from their sockets, and flapped around limply whenever guards collected him for interrogation. During his detention, Dilawar's legs were beaten to a pulp and an amputation would have been necessary."

    This is just one isolated incident of many. This is what this blog editor and his conservative colleagues support. And they call themselves Christians.

    Readers, look up 'Dilawar (torture victim)'

    1. So Hollywood is your authority for the evaluation of enhanced interrogation. And just how does the death of a terrorist at the hands of an Afgan agent, reflect on Bush/Chaney ? and why should I be upset that a man who was bent on the killing of our soldiers, dies . . . . . when in fact, we have no verifiable accounting of this incident . . . . except from the money grubbing liberals in Hollywood.

      This is all going to backfire on your side, just as has your strategies of the past six years. You bunch of commies are a laughing stock and your incompetence has become infamous. Keep up the good work.

      And since you know nothing about Christianity, I could not care less what you, as an infidel, have to say about any of this. You all have given up your moral authority to speak out on anything.

    2. McCain is not an authority, here, on Midknight Review. He is a confused Episcopalian who may not believe the divinity of Christ (60% of Episcopal priests are in this camp), a man willing to lie about who he is, politically, in order to win an election, and a buffoon when it comes to being used by the Marxist side of the aisle.

    3. Unbelievable level of denial. This completely illustrates the intellect and principles of this blogger.

      He states: "we have no verifiable accounting of this incident . . . . except from the money grubbing liberals in Hollywood."

      According to United States Army documentation, a death certificate dated 12 December 2002, ruled that his death was due to a direct result of assaults and attacks he sustained at the hands of US interrogators of the 519th Military Intelligence Battalion during his stay at Bagram. The document was signed by Lt. Col. Elizabeth A. Rouse of the U.S. Air Force, a pathologist with the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Washington DC, and listed as its finding that the "mode of death" was "homicide," and not "natural," and that the cause of death was "blunt-force injuries to lower extremities complicating.
      A subsequent autopsy revealed that his legs had been "pulpified," and that even if Dilawar had survived, it would have been necessary to amputate his legs.

      In August 2005, lead interrogator Specialist Glendale C. Walls of the U.S. Army pleaded guilty at a military court to torturing Dilawar and doing nothing to prevent other soldiers from abusing him. Wells was subsequently sentenced to two months in a military prison. Two other soldiers convicted in connection with the case escaped with light custodial sentences.

      This is the incident where a man was torture to death and how does the blog editor respond?

      Pathetic abject denial.

      That should tell you something about this blog.

    4. Moron, there is no "denial" when there is no knowledge of the issue. So it appears you are right. What does this mean, going on 8 freaking years after the fact? Excesses occur. BFD. What does this have to do with the general issue of harsh interrogations up to 2005. It was in that year that most of these tactics were stopped, your incident aside.

      The denial, here, is your pretense that you are free and healthy and, in all probability, very well off, financially, because of the goodness of . . . . . . . . . . whatever, instead of the fact that your freedom is bought with a price. Without the ugly nature of war and/or the threat of same, you would be speaking Russian, or whatever your original language. And while you pretend to be upset with all this, where is your outrage over Obama's drone killings, targeted attacks that have killed 2400 to 6000 non-targeted "bystanders?" You are a disgusting hypocrite with no love of this country and your side is going to lose this debate. Feinstein was briefed on these matters beginning with 2006. Pelosi was briefed on these matters beginning in 2002. No one died in this country, during the Bush years, after 9/11, thanks to these interrogations. After Obama called a halt to "capture and interrogate," we have witnessed more than 400 Americans killed or injured in the homeland. Since you don't give a crap about American lives, at home, we really have nothing to talk about. You must have gone to private school, or you would know that you do not offer a hand to a bully, you kick his butt or suffer the consequences.

  3. Also, note the narrow minded thinking and disrespect for McCain based on his religious beliefs. Truly an unAmerican divisive view of someone who served his country nobly and who happens to know a bit about real torture, first hand.

    1. Yep, me and millions of others. Why do you think Obama won in 2008? It was because six or seven million conservatives did not vote in protest to the phony "conservative," John McCain.
