Why is this headline news? He's been a self-serving, my-way-or-the-highway, tyrant since day one, no? (See my list of Obama firsts).

Obama: 'I'll act on my own' agenda

He is our first dictator,  the first president ever to trash the symbolic name of "Jesus," the first ever to hire an avoid communist onto his staff,  the first every to hire a avoid Mao lover onto his staff,  the first ever to threaten the members if the opposition with IRS penalties,  the first ever to sleep through the night while men - begging for his attention - fought and died in Benghazi,  the first ever to argue against "American exceptionalism,"  the first ever to tell folks,  "At some point in time,  I think you have made enough money,"  the first ever to double the welfare rolls or to accumulate more debt than all other presidents combined.  He is the first president to surrender to the enemy after a war had been won (Iraq) and the first ever to fight a war without any plans for "victory" (Afghanistan).  He is our first president to draw a red line around chemical warfare and,  then,  not do a damn thing about it  (those chemicals are still in Syria,   folks).  He is the first president to argue for the nonsense of  "leading from behind"  (an impossibility,  btw)

and our first president to try to force a church to hire an unbeliever.  He is the first to legislate around congress and the first have lied about all his 2008 campaign promises except one.  He is the first president to attack the rule of conscience with legislation that denies our rights to hold a particular religious belief.   He is our first gay president and our first black leader with no ties to either the "hood" or the Civil Rights Movement.  He is our first president to hold a press interview,  after his first election,  with Muslim Media BEFORE he interviewed with anyone in the American press.  He is the first president to cancel out all defense treatise of a preceding president.  He is the first president to refuse a photo op with an Israeli state official and the first to escort the Dalai Lama out the backdoor of the WH,  where the trash is kept,  for fear of the Chinese.  He is the first,  ever,  to try to organize labor without allowing for a secret ballot or to take long held union pensions away from police and teacher (in his bankruptsy deal with GM).  He is the first to use a telepromter in a 6th grade classroom,  talking to kids.  He is the first hang or allow a Moa decoration on the nation's WH Christmas tree (google it if you don't believe).  He is our first president to have written two (not one) autobiographies before anyone knew who the hell he was and the first to claim to be an expert without having written a single paper or published a single lecture on the subject (I am talking about his "expertise" as to the US Constitution).  He is our first president to have written two different budget proposals in consecutive years,  and have each fail in congress without garnering a single "yes"  vote (Senate 95 - 0 and 97 - 0 and,  in the House,  more than 400 "no" votes without a single "yes"  - so just how smart is this guy?).  He is the first president to raise a billion dollars during a single campaign  (2008 -  and the Dems continue to pretend they are the party of the common man).  While on the subject,  he is the first president to refuse to reveal his sources for over $ 400,000 in campaign donations.  He is our first president to spend more time making personal appearances and campaign type speeches than governing  --  unless,  of course,  one thinks talking and raising money is why we elected this clown as our president.  

I could go on,  but I am getting a little tired.  You get the drift,  I am sure.  and to think we have another three years of firsts,  to go.  

Update (1/25/14):  He is the first president to diss on "American Exceptionalism"  and the first to announce, "We are not a Christian nation."  If I did not make it clear in all of the above,  Obama is the first president to total as much added debt and all other presidents,  combined.  His wife is the first to take 5 multiple week vacations in a single year and to average 5 vacations per year for their first 5 years in office  (she has taken 25 such vacations).  Barack is the first president to equate partisan voting as "the best revenge" a voter can have.  He is the first to have more than 16 "Czars - he has more than 45 such individuals complete with offices,  staff, and transportation.  He is the first president to simply ignore a subpoena and to do so without giving a reason.  He simply has said,  "No,  I am not going to honor the subpoena."  He is the very first to publicly wish for the powers of a dictator and to function as if he were a dictator via departmental regulations and executive orders.  

Update (1/26/14) : compare a second blogger's list,  here.  


  1. I was surfing on your site, and "bam!" this post hit the blog. Amazing. I do remember much of what you have listed. Kind of scary. Thanks.

  2. You're welcome. Copy, add to it, and send it to friends and family. they will read it because it came from someone they trust. 2014/2016 is all about defeating the socialist/anticapitalist community, as much as possible. Their theories have never worked, world wide, except as countries such as Communist China embraces the principles of capitalism.
