Research Assignment: Everyone in this "cut and paste" is an enemy of this nation as it was invented. Don't take my word for it - do the research and this post is a good beginning.

Everyone in this post is a hater of the United States of America as we all (red yellow black and white) understand it to be. Obama is related to each of these revolutionaries:  Alinsky because of his teachings,  and the other four, all members of the University of Chicago or the Chicago community where Obama taught "summer school" for a decade and attended "church" for 20 years.  You really need to take some time and research these folks  -  including Barack Obama and his Chicago connection.   

  • Saul Alinsky

  • Saul David Alinsky was an American community organizer and writer. He is generally considered to be the founder of modern community organizing. He is often noted for his book Rules for Radicals. Wikipedia

  • BornJanuary 30, 1909, Chicago, IL

  • DiedJune 12, 1972, Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA

    1. Typical BS hate speak. No one cares about these people or know who they are ... except idiot conspiracy theorist bloggers

    2. Nothing conspiratorial about facts. Ayers is unrepentant as a domestic terroritst, and an anti-capitalist Marxist, as are the two women. "Rev" Wright IS a Black Liberation "theologian," a man who hates white America (as if he could have done it better) and Obama IS related to all of these and more. Van Jones was this nation's first "Green Czar" and card carrying communist - BY HIS OWN ADMISSION. Obama's long time press adviser, Anita Dunn was and is an admitted Maoist admirer, and you (Mr Anonymous) support all of these people. The reader should know that one rebuts a conspiracy theory by disproving the "facts" of the conspiracy. Simply denying the facts is not enough, but when one is a Marxist enabler, such as "Mr. Anonymous," denial without opposing facts, is all the opponent has. Case closed.

    3. Forgot to mention Saul Alinsky. Our Progressive/Marxist enabler (aka "Anonymous") will have no rebuttal for the fact that Alinsky was a committed radical reformer, a Marxist, and the author of "Rules for Radical's." The book is still in print nearly 40 years after its first printing!! . Why? Because of the radical population (read "anti-capitalist, pro-Marxist" population), that remains alive and well in this country. This is no conspiracy and the reader needs to know about these people, so that he will understand the context that is at the heart of the "fundamental transformation" Obama and his comrades have in mind.
