Obama has not been an ally of Israel for years (if ever), despite the rhetoric. 80% of Israeli's do not trust the man, and experts tell us that Iran is only weeks from having nuclear grade material.

According to new poll, a huge majority of Israelis do not trust President Obama with regard to Iran, and believe Obama will allow Iran to go nuclear. Only 22 percent of Israeli voters believed that Obama would “ensure that Iran does not achieve a nuclear weapon.”

This report comes from the Israeli Times.  Couple these comments with those of the past director of the International Atomic Energy Agency who is making it clear that Iran is weeks away from having a nuclear supply - weapons grade -  even under the current agreement.  

Understand that a 20 percent centrifuge is years in the making.  From 20% to 90% ("weapons grade") is only a multi-week event.  Reducing a collection of nuclear centrifuges to 5% does not change Iran's ability for a nuclear state in weeks,  assuming the reduction is made using existing (20%) centrifuges.

Obama has sat on his hands for years, now,  and in doing so,  has allowed Iran to be within weeks of entering the nuclear arms race with existing weaponry.  

As I have said many times in the past,  "Before Obama is finished,  he just might get us all killed."  


  1. The Republican Party is a fierce opponent of abortion rights. It also considers itself an unyielding ally of Israel.

    So what happens when Israel supports abortion rights? And doesn't it mean the GOP should want to cut off aid to Israel, too?

    Conflicted. Stupid.

  2. Nothing conflicting about national sovereignty. Most conservatives recognize Israel's right to determine its own domestic policy. It is your side that believes in meddling in the internal affairs of foreign countries but pretends to believe in sovereignty. It is your side that supports the enemies of Israel.

    Did Bush "meddle" in Iraqi affairs. Only with the full approval of congress and the international community. Obama doesn't even have the consent of the military for his decisions in Afghanistan, "in his LOSING efforts in Afghanistan" I should write.

  3. Sorry, but does you opponent ever argue the point of a specific post? Talk about "conflicted and stupid !!!"
