If Cher is discouraged, many within the Marxist Left are, also. Could be a serious problem for the new and radicalized Democrat/Socialist Party.

I could not capture the screen view so I give you this rather clumsy production.  The point is this:  When Cher is so disappointed in Obama that she takes time to write this message (see the tweet, below),  you know full well,  that many, if not most of those in the radical Left community,  feel exactly the same.  Add to her negative and hopeless comments, those of Michael Moore, Matt Damon, Chris Matthews and Maxine Waters (representing the voices of the Congressional Black Caucus) ,  and you have a rather comprehensive sampling of liberal discontent. As it turns out,  Barack Hussein Obama is as much a phony to the radical (once Marxist) Left as he is to Hispanics (his support in this community has fallen from 65% to 45%),  an increasing number of blacks  (his support is down to 75% within that community - a loss of 20 points),  and the moderate "Independents,  where his approval is in the mid-30 percentile - down from 68% in 2008!!!!! 

I want to believe that Hillary is fatally attached to this presidential creep.  But,  I know that the Far Left is never so discouraged as to be driven to giving up on their Utopian dreams, their One World visions and their confused belief that peace on earth can be attained without a military presence.  No,  Hillary will be their next great hope.  

The elective problem,  however,  is this:  the Dems can only win elections in locals where their numbers are so overwhelming that they do not need the votes of moderate or independent populations,  whether Hispanic,  Black,  male/female,  the senior citizen and the youth.  And ALL recent numbers show the Dems in serious trouble in view of the 2014 elections.  In fact,  the numbers look worse for them,  than those preceding the 2010 landslide elections.  Understand that,,  not only,  has the "independent" population fallen out of love with this pretender,  that population - those identifying as "independent" - as grown to include a majority of the American voter in contrast to the GOP and Democrat populations.  


  1. This is the same guy who called Florida for Romney in the last election. CA and FL ...where most old people live, went to Obama. If the GOP can't get the states where the elderly live, forget it.

    Game over.

    The white KKKristian party is too far out of touch and radical. Look at who they are and what they believe compared to what is happening in America. They are against science, gays, immigrants, minorities, women's right, equal pay for women, fair voting, legal pot, higher minimum wage, and a host of other issues that are favored by independents.

    Smithson is consistently proven wrong,... as are his polls and his ignorant anti-science and racist worldview.

  2. The numbers are accurate and come from non-conservative sources. Cher comments are what they are , as well as the several negative comments coming from those cited in the post. If you do think the Socialist Left does not have a campaign issue, fine --- but I will put this out there: I have been correct in my predictions as to the 2006 and 2010 midterms. I never thought McCain was going to win . . . . . so three out of four elections ain't bad and I an saying that the Dems will not win back the House and will lose couple of seats in the Senate.
