We defend this conclusion: Big Government - as a concept - is diametrically opposed to Individual Freedom, as a concept.

Editor’s notes:  Understand that as much as they try,  there is an innately embedded bias in federal reporting by federal agencies.  The Department of Labor screws numerical labor data in the favor of current administrations.  The DOJ,  under any president,  reflects the general concerns of the current presidential leadership.  The Secretary of State serves the President,  and under Obama, is more of a political creature than ever before  --  Hillary and Kerry being little more than puppets of the Administration.  

So, when we find a federal agency reporting on (read “admitting to”) an “unexpected” development,  we read the report with some suspicion.  

Case in point: The following report by “government actuaries” (see Fox News report below).  I maintain that if the  feds are now admitting to a cost increase to the national debt because of ObamaCare,  that cost may be four or five times larger than what is being reported.  Understand that this federal report does not include the cost to the nation via lost jobs,  a decrease in full-time employment numbers,  the loss of investment capital should ObamaCare become a primary force in driving the general economy downward,  and the costs to our economy via the extraordinary increase in federal taxes required to maintain this program and all other elements of our Socialist form of governance. 

Socialist/Progressives believe that “all government spending is stimulus”  (yet they criticized Bush 43 for his spending habits).  The fact of the matter is very different.  All government spending is funded via taxation on and against the people it supposedly serves.  Taxes,  every penny,  represent income taken from the private economy,  and is not given back to  the wage earning,  tax paying,  individual.   

Understand that no federal program reimburses the individual tax payer for anything.  

Some will argue that the benefits of taxation i.e., health care, good highways,  our national parks system, and on and on,  constitute the ongoing economic benefits paid back to the taxpayer,  but,  of  course,  that is simply a lie based on a convenient and deliberate confusion of terms.  “Taxpayer”  can be used to define the poor smuck who  works to acquire wealth only have much of that wealth taken from him in the form of taxation and federal/state/county/municipal fees and assessments.  On the other hand,  “taxpayers” is a term more often used to define a collective of persons paying taxes.  The “benefits” returned to the “taxpayer” are entitlement benefits returned to the general public,  not to the individual taxpayer as a person. A welfare recipient   for example,  receives benefit but does not pay federal or state taxes.    Only “tax refunds” constitute money returned to the individual.  

At any rate,  I do not have the forum,  here, to continue this discussion.  Use this commentary as a point in time when you begin to see just how much of a scam “federal spending” really is . . . . .  at all level and with regard to any of the many federal programs and regulatory concerns.  Big Government is diametrically opposed to Individual Freedom  . . .   take that to the bank. 

From Fox News because no one else is reporting this:    President Obama has made many promises about his signature health care plan, but one of the simplest was an assurance that it would lower national health care spending and save every family thousands of dollars.
For example, in May 2009 he hailed “comprehensive health care reform — so that we can do what I pledged to do as a candidate and save a typical family an average of $2,500 on their health care costs in the coming years.”
But now government actuaries have reached a different conclusion, finding that ObamaCare will actually increase health care spending by $621 billion over the next 10 years.
Doug Holtz-Eakin, the former head of the Congressional Budget Office, says, “now we’re seeing the official scorekeepers of health spending say ‘hey it’s going up, not down.’ That’s going to be a mark against the program no matter what.”

Jim Capretta of the Ethics and Public Policy Center says the actuaries “made it very clear in their projections that the health care law did not bend the cost curve down. It bent it up,” he says, adding, “there will be increase in national health spending associated with the implementation of the health care law.”