The Conservative fight to save this nation from itself begins within the McCain version of the GOP. Here is the context for the coming election cycle -- like it or not.

We begin with this lede storyline: 

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) -- From county chairmen to national party luminaries, veteran Republicans across the country are accusing tea party lawmakers of staining the GOP with their refusal to bend in the budget impasse in Washington.

The Republican establishment also is signaling a willingness to strike back at the tea party in next fall's elections. . . . . . click on the "AP" link,  above, for the full story. 

Editor’s notes:  Understand that “hardball” negotiations require a “no compromise” stance that,  in the end,  allows for just that,  compromise.  You do not get anything you want by simply being agreeable,  caving in from the outset,  and attempting only the  “reasonable.”   McCain has labeled the teaparty’s stance as represented by Mike Lee and Ted Cruz (and others,  of course) as a “fool’s mission.” 

Really?  Let’s talk “fool.”  It was John McCain who  forbade Sarah Palin from going after Barack Obama,  in the 2008 elections.  It was John McCain who “played by the rules” in campaign finance and lost the fundraising wars by a 2 to 1 margin.  It is McCain who sat on the sidelines and only complained about the drone policy of Obama’s  while Rand Paul lead a filibuster that forced Barack Obama to back down from his anti-American position.  And now,  this do-nothing,  compromise without a fight,  political moron,  wants to get rid of any chance to win a national election by openly working against teaparty advocates. 

Like I have said,  time and time again,  words directed to the Establishment GOP:  “Go ahead and try winning an election without us teaparty types  . . . . . . .   ain’t going to happen.”   

What the McCain’s of this world do not want to accept is this fact:  GOP Party compromise with the Socialist/Progressive,  anti-colonialists (people who despise our history and the founding documents coming out of the 13 colonies) within the Democrat Party has been a losing strategy for 40 years,  if smaller government, lower taxes,  balanced budgets, and individual freedoms are the end game markers  . . . . . . . .   and we are tired of it.  

The RINO Herd had its way for decades and accomplished nothing but a full surrender of conservative values.  And now,  this political piece of lard, John McCain, wants to win a war with the teaparty. 

Bring it on,  Moron.  2014 is stacking up to be a winning election for the GOP and its conservative base,  but if McCain wants to oust true conservatives,  the potential for a 2014 election will vanish,  just as surely as did Romney’s chances in 2012.  Understand this,  the RINO Herd wanted to win that election (2012) without “kissing up” to the socalled “right wing”  of the party.  The Herd ignored Sarah Palin,  entirely,  and paid a devastating price for doing so.  It relished in Chris Christie’s romance with Barack Obama,  just days before the election,  and pretended to have political clout without its conservative base,  and the base stayed home,  and the Socialist won the election. 

Look,  when you consider the elections of 2006, 2008, 2010,  and 2012,  the only one that registered as a “victory” for the GOP,  and a resounding victory it was,  round up being the 2010 midterms with its enthusiastic teaparty base.  McCain has political power,  as a member of the GOP,  precisely because and only because of . . . . . . . .  the teaparty.  I mean,  his 2008 strategy gave super majorities, for gawd's sake,  to the Dems.  THAT is what John McCain gave to the GOP  . . . . . the worst political butt kicking in modern times.  

Me?  I don’t care if the GOP wins another national election if it must win,  talking and walking and sounding like the Radical Left, aka,  the Democrat Party. 

It is a misconception to argue that teaparty patriots do not understand,  ultimately,  the need to compromise.  But,  compromise for the sake of “moving on,”  is not a winning strategy.

Speaker Boehner is playing with fire.  At the end of the day,  if he does not walk away with a negotiated and real victory from a conservative point of view,  all he will have accomplished is to breed new life into a determined teaparty collective. 

2014 is all about  the “midterms,”  an election cycle that was won in 2010 because it is a series of  “local elections,” as they say,  and in local politics,  we are a Right leaning nation.    

There are 435 congressional districts in the United States and the GOP won 228 of them,  in the Romney, 2012,  election cycle  . . . . .  well over half the total of congressional seating.  But the Dems won the popular vote as it took fewer districts, and Obama won his re-election bid,  but without any congressional power.   The coming 2014 elections,  are all about Congress and the power base of each party.  And McCain thinks that “now” is the time to have a knockdown,  drag out,  with  the teaparty (??!!).    

Like I said,  “Bring it on.”  We are tired of being lied to;  we actually know how to read and comprehend,  and we will not be fooled into supporting a national political strategy that continues to grow government.  The antithesis of “individual liberties,” is “bigger and bigger government.”   If “we” lose this fight,  we will take the GOP down,  as well. 

Indeed, when it comes to party politics,  it is our way or the highway.  I don’t think the teaparty will walk away from this midterm.  It is our opportunity to grow our congressional base.  So,  buckle up,  cowboys and girls,  it is going to be a fight like nothing you have seen in the Grand Old Party.