A harbinger of things to come. Turns out that ObamaCare will be as much a financial failure as Social Security or Medicare.

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Know that Social Security owes itself 17 trillion dollars and Medicare, 42 trillion.  ObamaCare debt could total more than these programs, combined.  Thanks for caring.  You are destroying this country.  "Personal responsibility?"  There really is no alternative.  Utopia only exists in the after-life. 

Understand that the Feds want to enroll more than 30 million Americans into ObamaCare  -  7 million in the coming 12 months.  By the end of the first month,  October,  it is doubtful the program will enlist more than 150,000 folks.  The program needs to enroll 583,333,333 Americans,  per month,   if it plans to meet its goals. 

More than this,  we know that. currently,  25% of Americans interviewed,  have said they do not plan on buying into the program.  

Why should they?  They are healthy,  and do not need to sign-up until and unless they become critically ill.  Remember those "pre-existing conditions?"  Well,  "pre-existing" is now covered.  Folks cannot be kept out of the insured collective because they wait until they are sick,  to sign up  . . . . .  so why not wait?  Understand that we all have "catastrophic coverage" as a matter of law.  But,  of course,  if the healthy stay out of the program,  there is no financial reality that will fix ObamaCare.  Central Planning needs and must have,  healthy citizens enlist in this program.  While millions will enlist,  countless millions of healthy Americans will not,  and that is devastating news for the Socialist Progressive do-gooders,  among us.  

Out of Steeler (football) country,  we have news of the latest HHS meeting with the general public,  introducing ObamaCare “to the masses.”  Masses???  A hundred people showed up,  at Heinz Field,  for this event.  HHS brought their own computer types with them,  but failed to sign up any of the few in attendance.  A Pittsburg paper began its coverage with  this lede:    

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius had a front-row view of the problems plaguing the website that the government established to allow people to shop for health insurance under Obamacare.   Sebelius and Steelers Chairman Dan Rooney were at an enrollment and education event on Thursday at Heinz Field to promote Healthcare.gov, but people who showed up encountered problems in signing up for coverage on the website.      Unable to handle heavy online traffic and riddled with technical glitches   [they are not glitches; they are system failures  !!!!!!!!!!!!!  I mean,  it has been 10 days of across the board failure, for the federally run 36 state exchanges,   after three stinking years of “preparation”], the website has been a source of criticism of the Obama administration and the new Affordable Care Act since its start on Oct. 1.