The IRS Targeting Scandal made its way into the White House and we can prove it!!!

Embattled IRS official Sarah Hall Ingram made 155 visits to the White House to meet with a top Obama White House official with whom she exchanged confidential taxpayer information over email.
Of Ingram’s 165 White House meetings with White House staff, a staggering 155 of them were hosted by deputy assistant to the president for health policy Jeanne Lambrew, according to a June Watchdog.Org analysis of White House visitor records.

Ingram exchanged confidential taxpayer information with Lambrew and White House health policy advisor Ellen Montz, according to 2012 emails obtained by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. . . . . .  Daily Caller excerpt. 

We now know that Lois Lerner was not the only IRS Nazi  (hey, “they” use this kind of language,  so I use it,  as well) involved in this growing targeting scandal.  Her overseer,  Sarah Ingram,  met with the assistant to the President,  some 155 times on issues dealing with the targeting scandal and the exchange of taxpayer information with Obama’s White House.  Understand that Lerner,  also,  met with WH staff more than 100 times,  herself. 

Conclusion:  OF COURSE HE KNEW ABOUT THE MASSIVE AND REPRESSIVE IRS TARGETING of teaparty-related groups,  beginning in early 2010.   And,  folks like me,  think Obama is vindictive enough to have personally condoned,  if not ordered,  the persecution of conservative groups (more than 300 such groups !!).  

At any rate,  we can now prove that this scandalous and long term action against the Patriot Nation was in the WH and was the subject of frequent consultation and updates involving hundreds of individual meetings.  

Understand,  people do not entertain "hundreds of individual meetings" if the issues,  involved,  are not considered critically important.  In late 2010, there were two anti-tax demonstrations held in D.C. by teaparty folks,  two demonstrations that numbered more than one million (or close to it) on one occasion,  and more than 1.8 million on a second occasion.  Moreover,  this "teaparty influence" won or maintained GOP ownership of 30 state governorships,  and swept the Democrats in the House,  out of power, in the 2010 midterm elections.   

Obama saw this coming,  or,  at least,  worried about this circumstance,  and decided to use the largest armed and legally empowered tax collection service in the world,  to do his bidding  . . . . .  and he found plenty of help within its ranks.  

Bastards all,  when it comes to working against the American Way and our civil freedoms.