Grassroots icon and GOP leader, Sarah Palin, is simply not going to let those "death panels" have a happy life.

Addressing the Progressive/Socialist nonsense of  “Common Core” but without making mention of that scholastic program,  Palin challenges her “core” audience (more than 3.8 million of them) to consider the following  . . . . .  and she is “all in” with her support of Steve Lonegan,  in New Jersey: 

Friends, please see the article linked below. Consider this school teacher’s assignment which mandates that kids undertake the task of deciding the fate of characters in an exercise that can obviously be considered a numbing lesson in “death panels.” Unbelievable.
We’ll be in NJ this Saturday to rally for Steve Lonegan for the U.S. Senate to thank his supporters for pushing back against Obamacare and to halt D.C.-inspired nonsense like this.
We should hope that influential adults could teach the next generation that it is never ethical, it is never right, for our government to take steps towards the destruction of the sanctity of innocent life. And the way to do that is for our culture to condemn and reject the insensitive callus that grows in a society by this kind of thinking. The teacher could hopefully explain how Orwellian and wrong this thinking is. And she’d go on to declare our right to LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit if happiness, upon which American exceptionalism was built. I challenge her to do so.