For Sarah Palin fans, here is a little "Palin history" lesson

Birth date: February 11, 1964
Birth place: Sandpoint, Idaho
Birth name: Sarah Louise Heath
Father: Charles Heath, a teacher
Mother: Sarah (Sheeran) Heath
Marriage: Todd Palin (August 29, 1988-present)
Children: Trig, April 18, 2008; Piper, March 19, 2001; Willow, July 5, 1994; Bristol, October 18, 1990; Track, April 20, 1989
General facts:   University of Idaho, B.S. degree in communications, 1987.
First female governor of Alaska and carried an approval rating of more than 75%,  as she confronted both Democrat and GOP corruption in that state.  
Was a runner-up in the 1984 Miss Alaska pageant.
Her fifth child, Trig, was born with Down syndrome.
1992-1996 - Wasilla city council.
1996-2002 - Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska.
2002 – Loses bid to become lieutenant governor.
2003-2004 – Serves on the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission as that board's commissioner.  
November 7, 2006 – Is elected Governor of Alaska, defeating former two-term governor Tony Knowles (49% to 41%).
December 4, 2006-July 26, 2009 – Republican Governor of Alaska.
August 6, 2008 - A former state employee files an ethics complaint against Palin accusing her of using her position to get a supporter of hers a government position. . . . . . . . and the petty barrage of bogus lawsuits against Palin begins.  In time,  she would be $500,000 in debt because of legal fees and facing a full-scale bankruptcy,  had she remained Governor.  
August 29, 2008 – Named as John McCain’s vice presidential running mate in the presidential election.
September 1, 2008 - Announces her 17-year-old daughter, Bristol, is 5 months pregnant, and the McCain campaign releases a statement that John McCain knew about the pregnancy when he selected her as his running mate.  The major Obama media tried to convince folks that Bristol's child,  was really Palin's baby,  born our of wedlock with "another" man.  This is how Democrats fight to win elections  -- by destroying their opponents with lies and more lies.    
September 3, 2008 - Accepts the Republican Party’s nomination for vice president at the Republican National Convention.
October 10, 2008 – State investigator, a Democrat,   Stephen Branchflower releases a report saying that Palin abused her power as Alaska’s governor and violated state ethics law by trying to get her ex-brother-in-law Mike Wooten fired from the state police.  In the end,  none of this was true  --  just more targeted crap from the Democrats and Establishment communities (see "Nov 3" comment).  
October 18, 2008 – Appears on “Saturday Night Live” with Palin lookalike Tina Fey.
November 3, 2008 - Alaska’s Personnel Board releases a report concluding that Palin did not violate ethics law when she tried to get ex-brother-in-law Mike Wooten fired from the state police.
November 4, 2008 – The McCain-Palin ticket is defeated in the presidential election by the Obama-Biden ticket.  In that election,  Obama made more than 200 campaign promises,  less than 5% of which were fully kept.  
January 27, 2009 – Palin launches a political action committee, Sarah Pac,  to raise money for future political causes.  Fully 65% of those whom she has supported,  over the years,  have won election.  
July 3, 2009 - Announces that she will be stepping down as governor of Alaska, forced out of office by a well funded, Democrat/Progressive machine,  that both hated her and feared her.  
July 26, 2009 – Officially steps down as governor of Alaska. Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell becomes Governor.  
November 2009 – Palin’s memoir “Going Rogue: An American Life” is released and becomes the #1 non-fiction book of the year,  on the NY Times best sellers list,  grossing more than 3.5 million in book sales (book count, not retail dollars).  Her second book,  America by Heart,   has sold more than 1.2 million copies,  as well. Nacny Pelosi's book, by contrast,  sold something like 7,000 copies.  
January 2010 - Joins Fox News as a contributor.
February 6, 2010 – Delivers the keynote address at the first national Tea Party convention.
March 25, 2010 – Discovery Communications announces Sarah Palin will appear in an eight-part documentary series called, “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” on the TLC network,  a record setting cable series.  
November 2010 – Palin’s second book, “America by Heart: Reflections on Family, Faith and Flag,” is released and makes it to #18 spot on the NY Times list.  
June 10, 2011 – The state of Alaska releases roughly 24,000 pages of emails from Palin’s governorship, that had been requested in 2008 under the Freedom of Information Act.  Nothing of consequence,  absolutely nothing,  came of the ridiculous "investigation," which was only a fishing expedition for the Democrat Assassins Machine.  Turns out,  the woman is as pure and above reproach as she is beautiful.  Eat your heart out,  Maxine Waters and the rest of you commie crooks in D.C. 
October 5, 2011 - Sadly,  Palin announces she is will not run for president.
January 25, 2013 – Fox News confirms that Palin is no longer an analyst there, but  . . . . . 
June 13, 2013 – The Fox News Channel announces that Palin will rejoin the network as a contributor.  Understand that Palin's popularity has grown, substantially,  over the past months.  Fox News could not ignore that fact,  and re-enlisted her services.

October 10, 2013 - her Facebook Account posted to more than 3.8 million folks,  an indication of her growing or rebounding popularity.