Who knew - within 24 hours of Benghazi - that the embassy murders were the fault of terrorists, not some ridiculous anti-Muslim film? Oh, just about about everyone within the Administration !!

Hours after the death of Ambassador Stevens,  the President of Libya said the attacks were the fault of in-country terrorists.  Further in this video,.  Rep.Trey Gowdy  (R-S.C) quotes Beth Jones,  the Acting Assistant Secretary for  Near Eastern Affairs at the State Department,  in an email written on September 12, addressed to Hicks, to Counsel for Hillary Clinton (Cheryl  Miller) to Victoria Nuland (Administration spokeswoman), to Mr Kennedy,  to nearly everyone in the State Department.  She (Beth Jones)  wrote 

"I spoke to the Libyan Ambassador and emphasized the importance of Libyan leaders continuing to make strong statements   When he said that his government suspected that Gaddaffe regime elements carried out the attacks, I told him that the group that conducted the attacks, Ansar al-Shira, is affiliated with Islamic terrorists."  

The point being,  if the Assistant Secretary at State,  Beth Miller,  knew of the terrorist connection the day after the Sept. 11 attacks and sent an email to all  of the top brass within State,  why did Susan Rice go on national television  5 days later,  and  blame a 15 minute video?  Why did B Obama go to the U.N on September 26,  and self-righteously do the very same thing  --  when it had to have been common knowledge,  by that time,  that the attacks were the result of jihad to the exclusion of all other possibilities?  

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