Along with the other news of the day, we learn of the evolving relationship Obama has developed in his continuing battle against the "white man's religion," Christianity.

From,  we learn of the expanding anti-Christian policies of the Obama Administration:  

"The Obama-Hagel Pentagon is trying to minimize Breitbart News’blockbuster story last week of top brass meeting with anti-Christian extremist Mikey Weinstein, whom we reported calls Christians “monsters” imposing a “rapacious reign of theocratic terror” and says sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ in the military an act of “sedition and treason” that must be punished. 

Note: "theorcratic terror" in this context means "telling others about Jesus with a view to persuasion."  -  editor

The Pentagon sent out an email suggesting the Apr. 23 meeting with Weinstein in the Pentagon was a one-time event, saying only, “Weinstein requested, and was granted, a meeting at the Pentagon [on] April 23, with the Air Force Judge Advocate General and others, to include the Deputy Chief of Chaplains, to express his concerns of religious issues in the military.” 

However, this was not a single meeting. Instead it was part of a relationship that began one month after Barack Obama was sworn in as president. And it goes much higher up the military food chain than was reported last week: Weinstein met with a four-star general who was the highest-ranking officer in the United States Air Force  . . . . . .  "  (there is so much more in the larger article at Breitbart.)

Editor's notes:  Barack Obama was schooled,  as an elementary aged child,  in Indonesia where he learned to respect [if not more] the Muslim religion.  He has bragged on the beauty of Islamic prayer.**  For 22 years,  he attended a church in which he was schooled in the notion that Christianity is a "white man's religion."  His Administration has bent over backwards to protect the name of Islam in some cases in which Muslim's are accused of terrible crimes  (Col Hasan,  the Fort Hood Muslim murderer is a clear example in which the Administration refuses to release certain emails that establish a connection between this murdering savage and and men bent on jihad against America).  It is his godless policies that have destroyed the 230 year rule of conscience,  used to defend and provide for our Constitutionally based religious freedom in such cases as the abortion issue established in ObamaCare.  In 2009,  during the same period of time Obama was developing a relationship with Weinstein,  he went to the University of Georgetown,  a Catholic institution,  and ordered the name of Jesus,  on display on the stage upon which Obama gave his speech,  covered over  as a condition for giving his commencement address . . . . . . and the liberals at Georgetown complied with this request.  

In technical terms,  Obama is a secular existentialist,  with no soul for his claimed "Christian faith,"  and no attachment to the author of that faith,  namely,  Jesus of Nazareth.  

And now we have a very believable account of a developing relationship with a man (Weinstein) bent on using the military to further limit the influences of Christianity. 

If you are not a Christian,  you might not care,  but I am,  and I do and I am the boss of this publication  !!!!  

**  I add these comments because of the embedded facts,  comments made at the end of an article linked in the above post. 

Obama man, DUDE, seriously, get your head out of your ass, I am NOT white. And it would make zero difference if I was. Islam was NOT born out of the suffering of Arabs at the hands of Christians and Jews. Islam was born out of a delusion Muhammad had which led him to con his family into believing it was ok for him to have sex with a 9 year old girl, who he married at 6. The delusion then spread by the sword, since no one would listen to him otherwise. You claim muslims are bitter due to white insensitivity. I guess that makes it ok then that Arab muslims invaded and occupied North Africa 1000 years ago, and still hold sway. I guess that makes it ok that muslims in Africa are killing Christians, animists and pagans. I guess that makes it ok that muslims took over 1 million Europeans of all colors as slaves (They called themselves the berbers). I guess it is ok then that Arab muslims still have slavery in full practice TODAY. I see it every day, slaves from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia, Malaysia, Singapore, and even other Arab nations. I guess that is also the fault of the white man. Just like the muslim invasion of Europe, and the establishment of the muslim caliphate in Spain (many words in Spanish are Arabic in origin). Amnesia? I would rather suffer from amnesia than whatever delusion it is you seem to be stuck in.  

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