There is good reason to believe that the GOP can and should stand on its principles. Whether the Marxist Media is successful in type-casting conservatives, American values are not yet as far Left as so many seem to think. Did folks vote for Obama or for European style failed socialism? Its time to find out for certain.

Using Europe as a collective model of socialism,  and,  especially,  failed socialist governance,  most American’s are not supporters of the socialist tendencies of B Obama.   

In fact,  “just 24 percent of all Americans have a favourable opinion of socialism, with 67 percent holding an unfavorable view of a socialist economic system.”  By rite of contrast,  “68 percent of Americans hold a favourable view of “capitalism,” and 76 percent have a positive view of the “free enterprise system.”  Recent Gallup polling has shown  that when folks are not asked for party association,  “conservative”  out numbers “liberal”  by nearly a two to one margin.  This has been the case for decades.  In view of the last several elections,  this editor  (that would be me,  J Smithson),  it is not clear as to the import of this particular statistic.  Nevertheless,  the least we can conclude is that “conservative” does not have a negative tone attached to it,  for most Americans. 

Point of post:  all major surveys of the voting populace of this country,  indicate a wide spread approval of capitalism and its counter points,  individual freedoms,  private property rights and personal responsibility. In the light of the current financial "debate,"  the real question of the hour is this:  Did folks vote for Obama and his double talking but slick sounding persona,  or is this population ready to dive into a broad based socialism as it leaves the time worn 236 year history of this county behind?  

There is no way to know for certain except to stand up to Obama.  Understand that when Obama made   the demand to have sole power over the debt ceiling,  as part of his current proposition with the GOP,    at that point,  it became clear that he was not serious about solving the "financial cliff" crisis looming ahead.  There is simply no one who believes that the GOP would ever give this Moron that kind of power  . . . . . .   even the Moron has to know this to be the case.  

Indeed,  Krauthammer is right.  Obama is out to destroy the GOP and its conservative base. He certainly is not trying to solve "the problem."    Has he misread his "mandate?"  Are the "have nots" [finally] the power base and future for which the  Democrat Party has been working since the 1960's?    There is no way of knowing for certain,  except to stand up to Obama,  the Marxist Media and their conniving/collaborative methodologies and beat him down with the truth.  

The  Midknight Review

End notes and associated reading:

Eric Hobsbawm: Socialism has failed. Now capitalism is bankrupt ...

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