Obama's latest proposition: "I will tax 1.6 trillion and then spent that amount on stimulus. Problem solved." Anyone still wondering what sort of grade point average this man had in school, when he wasn't using?

"What [Obama] proposed this week was a classic bait and switch on the American people—a tax increase double the size of what he campaigned on, billions of dollars in new stimulus spending and an unlimited, unchecked authority to borrow from the Chinese," Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) said in Saturday's weekly GOP address. 

"Maybe I missed it but I don’t recall him asking for any of that during the presidential campaign. These ideas are so radical that they have already been rejected on a bipartisan basis by Congress." <<<<<   text from The Hill.

Editor’s notes:  while Obama is busy campaigning instead of negotiating;  while the president of the Senate,  Blowhard Biden,  is busy shopping at Costco instead of doing what he can to get this “fiscal cliff”  issue solved,  I remind you that this is how these two clowns govern.  And Obama has done this before.  Remember is “pas it now” campaign,  at the beginning of 2012?  And he pulled the same stunt,  campaigning instead of negotiating,  in 2011. 

What is wrong with Obama’s proposal?    Well,  for one thing,  it has to be written into a proposal and submitted to the House of Representatives.  Speaker Boehner should tell him to write and submit the bill and he would have a vote on the matter the next day.
Secondly,  Obama proposes to raise 1.6 trillion in tax increases,  but spends every penny of that amount with the working in the remainder of his bill.  And,  he thinks it a good idea to give him sole control over the debt ceiling. 

In short,  he does nothing to solve the problem.  Besides the  tax increase at the first of the year and blaming the GOP for his own stupidity  (I raise 1.6 and then,  I will spend 1.6,  kind of sounds stupid to me),  we are going to be downgraded again,  by Moody’s . 

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