Hillary's Saban Forum speech can only be seen as troublesome to those who support Israel's sovereignty and independence. Other than that, it was a pretty good speech - better than anything Obama could come up with.

 November 30 - December 1, 2012

The ninth annual Saban Forum featured remarks by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a discussion with former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, and a discussion with Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman.  Such is the setting for the following amended review of Hillary Clinton’s speech to this body.   While a small time blog is no place for a comprehensive review,  certainly it is timely and appropriate to consider a brief and critical review.  You can find her speech at the Secretary of State's,  government site. 


Friday,  November 30, Hillary included these comments in a 30 minute speech delivered at the Saban Forum.   Actually,  she captures the existential problem facing the Israeli nation,  especially in light of the United States backing away from its unequivocal alliance with the Jewish nation  [  emphasis on “unequivocal ].  

Without peace, Israel will be forced to build ever more powerful defenses against ever more dangerous rockets. And without peace, the inexorable math of demographics will, one day, force Israelis to choose between preserving their democracy and remaining a Jewish homeland. A strong Israeli military is always essential, but no defense is perfect. And over the long run, nothing would do more to secure Israel’s future as a Jewish, democratic state than a comprehensive peace.

And that leads me to my fourth goal. At a time when the Arab world is remaking itself right before our eyes, America and Israel have to work together to do what we can to ensure that democratic change brings the region closer to peace and security, not farther away. But there is no going back to the way things were. We are not naive about the risks these changes are bringing. And we recognize that for Israel, they hit close to home.

She made an important point,  but, 

The key to her comments,  above,  are the words,  “without peace” and “comprehensive peace.”  In her speech,  she praises the Arab move to “democracy,”  as if undefined democracy is some sort of worthy goal.  Rather than “democracy,”  many believe that Secretary Clinton should be more concerned with “freedom” and “individual rights”  issues,  wording  she rarely includes in her speeches,  and never as keys to regional peace and stability.  

While she captures the existential problem facing Israel,  she sees a moral equivalency between the Palestinian’s drive for national recognition and Israel’s need for security and sovereignty within its own borders.   In her speech,  she makes the Obama States of America more of an ally of the Arab nations, than a friend of Israel.  

 I’m not making excuses for the missed opportunities of the Israelis, or the lack of generosity, the lack of empathy that I think goes hand-in-hand with the suspicion. So, yes, there is more that the Israelis need to do to really demonstrate that they do understand the pain of an oppressed people in their minds, and they want to figure out, within the bounds of security and a Jewish democratic state, what can be accomplished.”

Assuming an honest misunderstanding of Middle East issues,   this Administration simply does not believe in the dedicated and determined goal of Israel’s Arab neighbors as each publicly states their goal(s) to “wipe Israel off the face of the earth.”  

The problem is found in the fact that Israel cannot afford to ignore these threats.  

Certainly,  Israel would benefit from a real peace in the region,  but this Administration has done next to nothing to deal with this issue,  in terms of an involved and continuing diplomatic effort over the course of the past four years.  In the statement,  immediately above,  Hillary’s specificity (missed opportunities of the Israelis, or the lack of generosity, the lack of empathy) is ill advised because it adds a comprehensive sense to the Administration's notion of  Israeli malfeasance.  In the end,  she and her president believe that their meddling ways constitute a winning strategy,  rather than simply declaring Israel to be a friend with all the rights of a sovereign nation and the uncompromising support of the United States.   Understand that Israel’s problems are our problems,  unless,  of course,  Mr. Appeasement has decided to amend our nation’s support of Israel and abandon it as he has the larger Middle East Region. 

Sadly, her speech gives us this impression . . . .  "Israel is our friend, but . . . "   
As well stated as is this speech,  it can only be considered a frightening statement to Israel.  Years ago,  Israel was talked into giving the Palestinians the Gaza Strip,  and what happened as a result of Israel’s act of empathy?  The Palestinians immediately began using Gaza as a military outpost,  a launching pad for its continued aggression against the Jewish State.   Unless and until this Administration gets honest with the regional issues and the causes for Israel’s “suspicion,”  it will not play a meaningful role for peace in the region.  

If Israel is existentially harmed because of Obama's fence riding,  it will be time for a massive action of civil disobedience and demonstration against Obama's  governance;  it will be time for his Administration to come to an end.  

J Smthson

Here is Hillary's 31:30 minute forum address: 

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