How many times have I written about skewed polling? This past Friday, cBS/NYTimes [note the small "c"] put out another poll showing Obama increasing his lead over Romney. In this idiot's effort, for every 100 Democrats survey, only 87 Republicans were interviewed. At this stage in the campaign process, the Progress Press is all about propaganda and lies and this will continue through election eve.
Understand that in 90% of these Marxist Media polls, Romney actually wins, so over-weighted are these polls. I am far from being the only conservative voice objecting to these tactics. Here is what Mike Flynn at has to say about pre-election polling:
Anyone following the presidential campaign through the prism
of media polls is doing themselves a serious disservice. Virtually every one
uses a polling sample that is so heavily-skewed towards Democrats that it
distorts the actual state of the campaign. Of course, that is a feature, not a
bug of the polls. The polls are specifically designed to drive a narrative that
Obama is surging and Romney is struggling. Increasingly, though, the polls are
having to go to ridiculous efforts to support this meme. Friday's CBS/New
York Times poll, for example, uses a D+13 sample of registered voters. This
is absurd. . . . . . . . . you will want to read the entire article.
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