11 minute video discussion dealing with Islamization of Nations and what is happening in Australia - this is the war of the 21st Century

<<<<<<<    Debbie Robinson,  Q Society Deputy Director,  pictures the UN/Obama drive to “multi-cultural harmony” as nothing more than a certain Facist mono-culturalism similar to the forced “harmony”  seen in Nazi Germany.  UN Resolution #1618 would trump our Constitution as it redefines out 1st Amendment,  like it or not.  

UN Resolution 1618 seeks to criminalize defamation of religion,  something that Obama,  in his zeal to alter the foundational principles of this country and defeat the white man's religion,  has signed onto,  giving this resolution his full support. 

In the very near future,  we will be discussing the fact that approved international treatises have precedent over  our Constitution.  

Questions for which I will seek answers include:

Is this principle true?

If so,  why?

Must the US Congress ratify such a treatise or is it solely a function of an international body?

Other than armed opposition (and all options must be on the table)  how can a free people successfully resist such one world nonsense?

How does Sharia Law figure into the mix,  if at all?

Why is Obama opposed to free expression of speech? 

The video discussion is fairly dry but drafts important,  even critical, considerations if a people want to remain free. 

Debbie Robinson,  Q Society Deputy Director,  pictures the UN/Obama drive to “multi-cultural harmony” as nothing more than a certain Facist mono-culturalism similar to the forced “harmony”  seen in Nazi Germany. 

It is Ms Robinson’s hope to fuel an “inspired public debate” that will inform the public,  defeating this intended tyranny before it goes any further.  

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