Yelling "fire" is wrong only when it is untrue. The anti-Islamic film is a righteous criticism of extreme Islam and must never be considered "the problem" for that reason.

"This is an abuse of the First Amendment. It’s using, abusing their freedom of speech to cost innocent lives and to cause the taking of innocent lives in certain parts of the world. So, I think the United States ought to identify, yeah, we oughta be going after these terrorists that carried out the attacks in Libya and we are. I think we also ought to be identifying the people who made this video and go after them with the full force of the law and lock their ass up.” -- Bill the anarchist Press

Editor's notes:  and exactly how did this film "abuse the First Amendment?"  As far as I know,  nothing in the film is demonstrably untrue.  Bill Press,  the essence of "unactionable intelligence," believes that "abuse" is determined by the reaction of the listener.  Never mind that this clown cares little about the feelings of Christians.  No mention of the 70 Coptic Christians murdered in Egypt.  Forget about the fact that Press and his Marxist Minions would only be satisfied with "free speech" if they could administer the constitutional right as if it were a rite of partisan review (and "they" were the chosen partisan superintendents).   No wonder this clown failed at CNN and MSNBC.  

Point of post:  Understand that this election is all about choosing between freedom as defined in our foundational documents versus "liberties"  as defined and supervised by a privileged class of rulers/dictators who have no expressed ability to think beyond the end of their noses.  Press and his speech on Current TV is very offensive to millions of people.  Surely,  responsible people will see the idiocy of his solution.  Surely they will see that discomforting speech,  although [only] arguably true,  should never be limited.  

The film's conclusions are [arguably] righteous, but,   no one is talking about that fact.    

Yelling "fire" in a crowded theater is "unconsitutional" not because it might cause panic and consequential harm,  but because  it is untrue and causes harm.  Yelling "fire" when there is a fire,  is protected.  Exposing Islam and the "prophet" for what they are must never be censored speech.    

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