Palin has the debate in her mind while Obama has to spend hours coming up with a similar list of "facts."

The book is,now, in paperback
It did better than that HBO
version of Palin's story.
Palin writing "off the top of her head" on Facebook,  came up with this rather comprehensive list of election year issues.  I have such a list in my pea-brain and hundreds of pundits, sharing in the same egalitarian mindset, have similar lists in mind.   Here is her list  -  keep it in mind and consider its several points.

Just off the top of my head, a few of these concerning issues include: a debt crisis that has us hurtling towards a Greek-style collapse, entitlement programs going bankrupt, a credit downgrade for the first time in our history, a government takeover of the health care industry that makes care more expensive and puts a rationing panel of faceless bureaucrats between you and your doctor (aka a “death panel”), $4 and $5 gas at the pump exacerbated by an anti-drilling agenda that rejects good paying energy sector jobs and makes us more dependent on dangerous foreign regimes, a war in Afghanistan that seems unfocused and unending, a global presidential apology tour that’s made us look feeble and ridiculous, a housing market in the tank, the longest streak of high unemployment since World War II, private-sector job creators and industry strangled by burdensome regulations and an out-of-control Obama EPA, an attack on the Constitutional protection of religious liberty, an attack on private industry in right-to-work states, crony capitalism run amok in an administration in bed with their favored cronies to the detriment of genuine free market capitalism, green energy pay-to-play kickbacks to Obama campaign donors, and a Justice Department still stonewalling on a bungled operation that armed violent Mexican drug lords and led to the deaths of hundreds of innocent people. Link

Look,  if Obama is wrong on only half these issues,  he does not deserve re-election.  But you will decide that issue on your own. Palin's memory has served her well for the creation of this list  --  blog editor. 

1 comment:

  1. Great to see the Palin HBO movie. How selfish, narcissistic, igorant and dishonest she is. Now we know what was meant in the widely reported story that Palin 'went rogue' during the campaign.
