Tuesday Primary Day: Mississippi and Alabama as well as Hawaii and Samoa

RealClearPolitics gives us this delegate count going into the  primaries being held today:  Mississippi,  Alabama, Hawaii and Samoa.  

Romney  -  455
Santorum  - 199
Gingrich  -  117
Paul - 64

In spite of the four primaries,  Alabama and Mississippi are receiving the most attention. 

Most analysts believe that if Romney can win one of the two states,  he could use the victory to argue that he, indeed, is a viable choice,  even in the South.  Neither opportunity is "likely,"  but Mississippi appears to be his best opportunity.  Nearly all polls agree with the non-partisan Rasmussen Reports,  which has the three "front-runners" in a virtual three-way tie in Alabama and Romney with a 7 point lead (35 to 27) over Santorum and Gingrich in Mississippi. 

If Romney can pull off a victory in one state and hold onto a close second in the other,  he can lay hold of the claim that he is every bit as electable as his primary opponents. On the other hand,  if Gingrich looses both states,  that would be a disaster for the Georgia Southerner. He has lost 17 of the past 18 primaries.

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