More bad bad news for ObamaCare. The CBO is now admitting that it will cost 2 trillion dollars.

The Examiner reports:  "Today, the CBO released new projections from 2013 extending through 2022, and the results are as critics expected: the ten-year cost of the law's core provisions to expand health insurance coverage has now ballooned to $1.76 trillion. That's because we now have estimates for Obamacare's first nine years of full implementation, rather than the mere six when it was signed into law. Only next year will we get a true ten-year cost estimate, if the law isn't overturned by the Supreme Court or repealed by then. Given that in 2022, the last year available, the gross cost of the coverage expansions are $265 billion, we're likely looking at about $2 trillion over the first decade, or more than double what Obama advertised."

Editor's notes:  anyone want to bet that the actual deficit caused by this idiot's law will be 5 trillion before all the liars sit down and shut up?  Senator Max Baucus (D-Mo) once hinted at such a thing in a brief live discussion by yours truly.

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