The only reason for this post is to put my thoughts "on the record."
There is a difference between programs and policy. We will be hearing more programs, tonight, when it is a change of policy that we need. This past year (2011 to date) has seen 600 new financial regulations, with thousands more, all unwritten, on the way. Business is concerned about this and will not hire until it sees what these (thousands of) new regulations mean for its bottom line.
There will be nothing said about the horde of environmental regulations coming down the pike. Obama has increased the EPA's budget by 126% since being in office, and is now using that agency to circumvent the legislative body altogether. Business will not hire until it is assured that the age of regulation is over, at least for a season.
There will be no backing off ObamaCare. There remains thousands of pages of requirements and regulations to be written over the course of the next three years. Business cannot hire until it knows the cost associated with their hoped for expansion.
Tax credits for hiring, if not permanent, offer no security for the business manager.
Ditto for payroll tax reductions, even if substantial, will not work if they are not established for 5 years or more.
Allowing for the "repatriation" of overseas business dollars, ( 3 to 5 trillion at last count) would be a much needed change in policy that will not be mentioned.
Chiding the GOP is certainly not a change in Obama policy. We have all heard it before, and we all know how empty this rhetorical strategy is.
Will he talk about the immediacy of the crisis and urge immediate approval, as he has so many times in the past?
Shovel ready jobs? Oh yes !! He will not call them this, but he will claim that thousands of jobs are out there, "ready to go."
All the jobs he will speak of creating, will be union jobs, by the way. 93% of the working middle class are NOT members a union. But who cares about that statistic ?
Will he offer specifics as to how his plan will be paid for? You do know that this "plan" has not been submitted to the Congressional Budget Office ? Which means that it is only talk, not a plan at all. . . . . . . .just talk.
You do know that his first stimulus/jobs "plan" of 2011 was voted down 97 to 0 back in February of this year? Yes . . . 97 to nothing, in the Democrat controlled Senate, no less.
You do know that his April plan was so poorly presented that the CBO refused to "score" the thing, saying, "We cannot estimate a speech."
And a speech is what we are going to get, in a few minutes.
Me, I just cooked up a bunch of ribs and am on my way to the doctor son's house. I will have an analysis of the speech tomorrow morning, of course, but tonight, its Green Bay versus New Orleans and I am picking the Pack !!!!!
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