Brian Williams and the no namer from the Leftist, Politico, are the two moderators.
It is apparent to me that part of their agenda is to bring down Rick Perry. At one point, Perry said, "I feel like a pinata', here, tonight."
Ron Paul is not doing himself much good. I like much of what he has to say, but, still, he had the poorest performance of the evening. Admittedly, he was in "tall" company and was cheered for many of his comments. He is very much an isolationist, as is Jon Huntsman.
Romney sounds great, but was tentative in his support for the TEA Party. He is convinced that there is a crisis of confidence of "an absence of leadership." He presented his plan for America, day before yesterday and referred to it, often. A couple of comments lead to these two points: "The middle class are those most hurt by Obama," and, "No taxes on savings and investments."
Governor Rick Perry is passionate and able to defend his past decisions. Perry pressed for a balanced budget amendment. I must admit that Perry did a terrible job of defending himself on his anti-climate change stance. A big zero on this, although he did mount a fairly adequate "comeback" before he was finished. It was pointed out that 232 inmates have been executed in Texas - to which there was a healthy applause. Perry was asked about this and defended this fact. He was cheered. He was asked by Williams about the applause received when the number of those executed was made known. Obviously, Williams did not like that reaction. Perry defended it by telling the Leftist moderator, "The folks appreciate the need for justice."
Rick Sanatorum is well informed and well spoken. When asked about the Libyan intervention, he expressed concern against isolationism and quoted Reagan in defense of his concern.
Ditto for Newt Gingrich. I would fire him tomorrow" speaking of Ben Bernanke. He would audit the Fed. It seemed to me that Gingrich did his position much good.
Neither Santorum nor Gingrich were given much attention by the moderators. Not good. Both men have important ideas to share.
Michele Bachmann is more than well informed is the clearest TEA Party representative. she was most critical of Obama with regard to our military strength and honor. She opposes intervention in Libya, even today.
Jon Huntsman - who has no chance - is well spoken. He is opposed to pledges, whether for opposing taxation or against abortion. Bring the troops home because we are broken, here. Hew is pro-climate change, evolution and abortion.
Herman Cain, again, understands the economic circumstance and has a plan. He talked about his 9.9.9 plan and was given applause.
In spite of the fact that I do not care for many of the ideas of Jon Huntsman and Ron Paul, the participants in this evening's debate are coming across as well prepared, understanding their own positions and able to defend those issues that distinguish them from the other.
The best spoken on the stage include Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum. I hasten to add that the remaining 4 participants, come across as qualified and well spoken, in their own way.
In the Democrat camp, when you get away from the know nothing, Barack Obama, and the qualified Hillary Clinton, who do you have? The choices at the top of the Democrat Party are few.
(more to come)
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