Here is a headline that is very misleading: Rick Perry takes charge, becomes target......Understand that Perry did not "become" anything. He was made the target by the two Leftist moderators, Brian Williams from NBC and some no namer from the Leftist news outlet, Politico. What was most notable was the agenda of the two men: divide the GOP over the more radical Rick Perry and drive that point home. At one moment in the debate, Perry said,"I feel like a pinata, here."
I am with Palin, on this one. I would have nothing to do with the Leftist Media. They have worked against the founding principles of this nation. The are biased beyond belief and subscribe to the notion of "the ends justify the means." As a result, they are not to be trusted. The American media has done more harm to the Constitutional foundations of this country than any other group of godless socialist in our nation. Do we need them? Sometimes "yes," but most of the time, we need the Marxist Media like Custer needed another Indian.
They need not be in charge of vetting our politicians, especially since they are the collective water boy for the Democrat participant at whatever level. They should have no role in controlling a debate. We must never forget that the major papers all use 1099 laws to violate Federal employment rules and, worse yet, they all sell their services to the highest bidder. The bottom line is their guide, while they work against others who practice the same agenda. Geeeeesh.
Update: I have change my opinions on the debate, somewhat, after listening to the debate for the second time. I had missed Newt's scolding of the two moderators with the charge that they were trying to create problems within the GOP and those on the stage, in the debate. Later in the night, Romney did something similar, proving, of course, that there were some on the stage who understood exactly what the media agenda was.
I believe that Rick Perry knew how to defend his positions as Governor of Texas. He came across as amiable, very much at ease, and quick to give a smile or a laugh. I believe he did himself a lot of favors, tonight.
Newt was eloquent and, as always, extremely well informed. I don't know it he will "catch on," but he came across, at times, as unselfish and passionate. He scored big in my book. Jon Huntsman, a bit too 'liberal' for me, added to his stature, as well. The only clear loser, tonight, may have been Ron Paul. He was too isolationist for me, and made a couple of assertions that were unintentional wrong. He claimed that if the air conditioning units were taken out of the military housing in the green zone, in Iraq, "our troops would be home already." Sooooo, they are there because of air conditioning ??? Of course that could not be what he meant to say, but it was, nevertheless, what he said.
The marginalization of Santorum, Newt and Bachmann was disturbing to me. I absolutely despise the Marxist Media. Tonight added to my disgust.
Here is Newt getting all over Politico' Jonathan Martin and his hidden agenda for this debate: judge for yourself.
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