Who says Palin is losing the polling war? Liberal polling firms, that's who.

Concerning the Chart to the Left

Add "Five Thirty Eight" to the mix, and you have a rather impressive collection of Marxist/Socialist survey companies.

Understand that Gallup is not in the "Socialist" category, but USA Today is, and it their questions that Gallup surveyed.

You can't get more to the Left than NBC (MSNBC is one of that network's crown jewels). The WSJ is much more to the Left than many conservatives believe. Public Policy Polling is an arm of the Washington Post, as far Left a news source as the NY Times. Five Thirty Eight is the product of the NY Times.

These firms often, more often than not, poll more Democrats than Republicans, younger rather than older, and the general public rather than "likely voters."

The Leftist Cabal is Alive and Well

Understand that the above listed entities are Leftist in their politic and, consequently, believe that the "cause" justifies lies, half truths, and collusion. It is a part of the Left's overt political strategy. Members of the media represented by each of the 7 referenced companies are part of a larger conspiracy known as the Journ - o- List.

Most conservatives who pay attention to the comings and goings of the Left Wing journalism have been aware of the collusion between network reporters at ABC, CBS and NBC. Exact phraseology has appeared in the televised reports of the "big three" for decades. Of course there is collusion.

In case you are not aware, "Journ O List" was/is a conspiracy of 400 journalist and academics, men and women of the Left working together, communicating with each other, working to defeat the Right. I believe this collusion of Lefties has existed for years. In the 2008 campaign this band of cheats and Leftist Misfits worked to mitigate the Rev Wright story, to accuse McCain of infidelity, and to deal with baby Trig, Sarah Palin's handicapped baby. You can read of this JournoList conspiracy here. E-mails passed among this group of cheats were exposed after the 2008 election and the Joun O List conspiracy blew-up in the press. I believe that nothing has changed. The conspiracy continues. The cheats are alive and well and . . . . . . . . helping with surveys that put Palin down and out (?).

Understand that these creeps have strategies for Gingrich (his cheating on his sick wife); Romney (his support of the Massachusetts failing health care plan); Paul Ryan (an ego maniac who loves to hear himself talk) ; Huckabee (a man who has spent the past two years working for Fox News and stuffing his wallet); Scott Walker (a dictatorial governor) and on and on and on.

There is a "dirt" file on all of the GOP politicians.

Understand that I believe NOTHING that comes from the Left when it has to do with advancing self-serving political interests.

Addendum: we hasten to add that Palin's numbers are not as strong as Huckabee's or Romney's, but she remains a front runner, and has a huge and active following -- stronger, I believe, than any of the presidential hopefuls except for [perhaps] Obama. Understand that elections are won at the ballot box, not in polling surveys.


  1. And your point is . . . .?

    Look, Obama is so far behind the numbers count in the 2008 election that were the election held now, he would not win against Palin or any of the front runners. If he ran, today, his numbers would be 58 million versus 70 million against.
