Obama, the reincarnation of George Bush, and a list of Obama "firsts."

When you think about it, this headline has more news embedded within its words than might first meets the eye: Obama: U.S. and ‘broad coalition’ are acting against Gadhafi...

Here is the rest of the story. Obama would have sat around, planning his next vacation or watching his third in a series of golf tutorials or took calls from the underground news media (you know, NBC, CBS AND ABC) if there had been no agreement from the "broad based coalition." In other words, without France, he would have done nothing. More than a week ago, he was asked by the Arab League to set up a no-fly zone. That was all the authority he needed. He could have led a coalition-based air stike upon that invite, alone, but he chose to do nothing except become a follower of France and the UK's lead.

American exceptionalism? Gone under Obama.

He is the first president to worship Allah and pray in a Muslim Mosque. He is the first president to side with a communist wannabe dictator (Honduras). He is the first to hang Mao mementos from the White House Christmas tree. He was the prez in charge when Iran went nuclear. He is the first to allow a South American nation to develop a military alliance with Russia (Venezuela and their 5 billion in military aid from the Russian Communist nation). He is the first prez to give aid to a terrorist government, Hamas in Gaza ($1.3 billion dollars). He is the first to side with the Palestinians against Israel since the days of Jimmy Carter. He is the first president to publicly humiliate Israel before the United Nations. He is the first to charge his own country with crimes against its minority population(s). He is the first to openly and persistently circumvent the legislative body of our government, effectively destroying the system of checks and balances created by our Founding Fathers. He is the first to use toys as tools of diplomacy (the plastic reset button given to the Russians). He is the first to claim France as a closer friend of the US than England. He is the first to rat on the size of Britain's nuclear force (to the Russians, as a requisite requirement for the New START Treaty with the commie's) . He is the first to threaten full nuclear disclosure regarding Israel's armament, to the Palestinians (he did not do this, but the threat was made, loud and clear). And, he is the first "Christian" president to order the name of "Jesus" covered over (Georgetown University, 2009). No Christian would ever do such a thing.

Finally, look at this man's record on war. He brings back General Patreaus to handle the war in Afghanistan. He replaced waterboarding with the more humane anonymous drone death attacks. He has continued the interrogation process we know as "rendition." He has increased troop strength in Afghanistan. And, he has reinstituted the military tribunal in GITMO. And now, today, he has participated in a violent air strike on a leader of another country.

If we do not associate a name with all of the above, one would think that George Bush had taken over the reins as President.

Of course, I agree with all of the above, in terms of tactics, but the Left has to be thoroughly disenchanted with this clown in our White House. Understand that the Left's single unifying political doctrine is their anti-war position. And he has violated that political doctrine at all levels.

Can he throw the radical Left under the bus and get re-elected? I do not know. Of course, they will not vote against the man, but will they support him in the coming presidential election? According to Rasmussen, only 20% strongly support Obama. Can't win an election with those numbers.

And here is our final point: Sarah Palin would do none of the above. I am telling the reader that she is right on most issues. Who cares if she is not polished as to her manner of speech. She is right on the issues and that is the only thing that matters to me.

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