About me, the blog and the approaching riding season:

Update: picture added. I am 66 and the bike, a VTX 1800, is a 2003 Honda. I will put around 9,000 miles on this machine, this year. It has Vance Hines pipes; a $300 K&N air filter system; a custom seat made by a local shop; highway bars and pegs; a set of soft leather bags, and $3,000 in travel gear, depending on the type of trip I have in mind (two different windshields, a "summer" bucket helmet, rain gear, sissy rack and leather bags,,etc.). 11/24/11

Original Content:
I have been blogging hot and heavy for more than three years, now. It took a while to figure out just what the blog should be about, but we are "there" with that assignment. My best results, in terms of traffic to the site, have been with regard to my personal commentary. I have had days in which 700 folks came to the site; most days with 250 to 400 page views. The blogs heaviest traffic comes from east of the Mississippi.

I try to publish at least one substantial post per day and four to six less involved articles, additionally. There are a few repeat blog themes and they include: polling numbers for Obama and others; Rasmussen polling summaries or various issues; criticisms of the Marxist element within the Democrat Party; articles confirming the One World schemes of the current Marxist leadership (understand that "Marxist" and "Communist" are not the same, to my way of thinking. Socialism is more practical form of Marxism than "communism." Pure communism does not work anywhere in this world. I am committed to a constant reminder of just how big our debt is and how ridiculous most of our proposed solutions are. Saving a nickle on a 100 dollar debt is stupid wrong and that is precisely what we are tying to do with 1.2 trillion dollar solution. If the 100 debt is going to kill us, the nickle is meaningless. I review the employment problems each Thursday and Friday. I frequently write on "Affordable Housing" and its contribution to the current financial crisis. I expose the "Establishment," whether Democrat or Republican.

I am a retired middle school wrestling coach, am part of a prison ministry team, taking time to partner with the "hard-ass" in our society, giving them a little practical guidance. These are guys who have done it "their way" and found that the effort did not work out so well for them. Not much difference between me and them except I never got caught when, in fact, I should have. My Christ has worked well for me, giving me a sense of direction I did not have from my "parents," such as they were.

I have just retired as a wrestling coach. Been doing that for 35 years. That decision will give me more to time to write and participate in matters that are of greater concern.

I love this country and hate the element that wants to transform it into a meaningless and secular European political economy. Again, I hate that about the current debate. These folks need to be banished from society and millions of us are working to see it so.

But, I have to ride a little each day. If you have a bike, you probably know what I am talking about. That takes time from publishing, but it helps to collect my thoughts and puts me in good company - just me and the God of the Universe. I have to admit one thing: in my writing, I often try to do more of God's work than he wants me to. A big problem for believers is this business of separating our vision from His vision.

A little advice: don't get discouraged in the effort of defeating the "enemy from within." Figure out God's intentions for you . . . . you are the only one with eyes to see His will for you. Live your lives for others but your religion? Well, never surrender that to the denomination or the collective that would seek to rule your life in the place of God's action. And get acquainted with the Bible. It is not our god, but its reading can be very rewarding. Psalms, Proverbs, the four Gospel accounts, the book of Romans, Colossians and Philippians - all good places to begin. Figure it out on your own and expect to be wrong in your opinions. Growth occurs when you move from wrong to right, over and over again. There is no growth believing what others tell you about the "good book." We need "theologians" like Custer needed Indians.

Find this verse in the Bible, Philippians 2:12 and 13. Read it and allow its truth to work for you. As you stand in Christ, be true to yourself. I think he wants that for you. Look, I think we spend entirely too much time worrying as to whether we are doing God's will. I think that a perfect father would be willing to help and support us, even if our decisions are not the best. That is what I do with my 7 older kids. I am thinking God is better at it than me.

Talk to you later.

Update: "travel season" is over. 12 weeks ago, I decided to spend more time on my blogs, especially Midknight Review and a high end religious blog named Barth and the Boyz. Since making that decision (and improving content and grammar), my blogs have increased in pageviews by 350%. Also, I was recently hired as a free lance writer for a local magazine, Family First. After the first of the year, I intend to get re-involved with my local T.E.A. party. 11/24/11


  1. "Not much difference between me and them except I never got caught when, in fact, I should have."

    Are yo saying that you should be locked up? What kind of hard crimes did you do? Drugs? Sexual misconduct? Child pornography? Petty theft?

  2. I am taking the fifth on that question.
