"Who the hell do you think you are?" Farrakhan to Obama.

Here are words from the sinister and mean-spirited Louis Farrakhan, once a "brother" of Barack Hussein Obama, a man who called BHO the modern day "Messiah."

FARRAKHAN: "I warn my brother do you let these wicked demons move you in a direction that will absolutely ruin your future with your people in Africa and throughout the world...Why don't you organize a group of respected Americans and ask for a meeting with Qaddafi, you can't order him to step down and get out, who the hell do you think you are? <<<

Contrary to popular Left Wing belief, Ortega, Castro and Chavez are no friends to this country, regardless of who is the president. Let me say this again: Ortega, Castro and Chavez are not friends of our country, regardless as to whether they are treated with respect by the current president, whoever that might be.

Understand that these three South American stooges are dedicated communist, kind of like Van Jones and Annita Dunn and Cass Sunstein. They hate America and Obama's apology tour to Venezuela only proved to them that America was weak.

Understand that Obama waited for France to take the lead with regards to Libya, that nothing would have been done in Libya had it not been for the rescue of France and Great Britain . . . . . . nothing. The Three Stooges know there will be no France or Britain to the rescue in South America. Our communist enemies, dictators all, have no fear of America, much less respect, and we have the Liberal doctrine of appeasement and apologies to thank for that.

Meanwhile, Obama is losing his radicalized base as they run for the door in the face of the New, Wartime, Obama and we are losing the battle in and for South Amercia.

We are not impressed.

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