Establishment Republicans vote to EXPAND ObamaCare last Friday.

You may be aware of the news that Pelosi hid 105 billion in appropriated cash, to fund Obama Care for the next several years. The GOP Establishment is aware of this and has decided to do nothing.

Yesterday, just yesterday, 95 House Republicans joined in a vote to expand ObamaCare to the veterinarian community (The Veterinary Public Health Amendments Act, HR 525 ), proving, of course, that the GOP leadership is not serious about the message sent them in the past midterm election.

It is time to mount up and go gunning for these lying misfits. They need to be gone or join the Democrat Party. I really do not care. But that

End Notes:

The reader can click on this hyperlink and get the names of the Republican phonies pretending to be against ObamaCare. The link is of all 435 House Representatives. Each name is linked, itself. You have to search out your Representative(s) . You should look for GOP congressmen (94 in total) who voted "yea" on the bill. Remember, that this is quite a turn around. In 2009, not a single GOP House member voted for the bill. Now, despite the rhetoric against the bill, 94 Republican House members have voted to expand the bill's scope of authority. Incredible.

Can anyone say "Bye, bye Representative?"

I rather think a well written hate letter is in order. Tell these clowns that this is their last term. And mean what you say. No life threats. Leave that kind of crap to the Dems. And hate what they did, not the congressman herself.

Get busy.

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