We are not trying to kill Gadafi. How does that help the people of Libya, again?

We are being told, over and over again, that the bombings over Libya are not about taking Gadafi out. It is only about protecting the citizens of Libya from their leader.

Yup, that is what we are being told.

I am not sure who is the more stupid; us for listening to this nonsense or Obama and his commanders for sharing this idiocy with us.

One very simple question: if we are not going to "take Gadafi out," what happens to his people - who we are protecting - when we stop bombing and leave the region? Does anyone see the problem?

I am thinking that what we have, here, is another reason why Obama should just keep his big mouth shut. If we leave off the bombing without having killed Gadafi, we would have accomplished exactly nothing and spent billions in the process.

But this is not about Libya at all, is it? No. Rather, it is about scoring popular points and revisiting this Marxist's image.

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