An Editorial Opinion form the Midknight Review.

On Saturday, Barack Obama used an audio recording (from Brazil) to tell Americans that we are in another war. He and he alone, has authorized this war effort – a effort that has no clearly stated goal, no “exit strategy,” and no stated time commitment. More than a week and a half ago, The Arab League begged the US to intervene. We believe that Obama should have acted then , not a week and a half latter.

Understand that while some will remind us that he met with leaders of both houses of Congress, Obama made absolutely no mention of the meeting during his Brazilian announcement. Rather, he couched his statement in such terms as to indicate that this was his decision and his decision alone. “Today, I have authorized . . . . “ is hardly a statement of non-partisan participation. In making his announcement, Obama has made a move to bolster his sinking popularity numbers.

For the first time in history, the United States has been led into an intervention in a civil war. Opponents of the Iraqi War tried to make that same point, but to no avail. This time, however, we see Libyans fighting Libyans, with the head of the Libyan government killing his own people. And now that we are “there,” there really is no way to leave without deposing Gadafi. To do so would be to invite the scorn and ridicule of friend and foe. And yet, Obama announces repeatedly that this is not about regime change; it is not about Gadafi.

In making this announcement, Obama ignored his 2007 statements regarding much the same circumstance: "The president does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation." Obviously, Gadafi does not pose an existential threat to this country and Obama's decision is unilateral as it pertains to this country.

And what have we learned from Obama? That we have no clue as to his sense of direction, regardless as to whether he has made a statement on an issue or not. He willingly leaves past statements and promises behind, without little or no explanation. In short, we have a president who remains a total mystery. We have no clue what he is going to do next, and he does something monumental, every stinking week !!

Say what you will about Bush and the Iraqi War; he entered that war only after 14 months of well attended national debate and a consensus voted from Congress. Obama has acted much as a dictator would and if Gahdafi is not dethroned, has no clue how to exit while saving face.

Understand that if it all works out well, it will be the result of a diplomatic accident, and anomaly that transcends the fanciful dreams of a man drunk with his own sense of self worth -- and I am talking about Obama, not Gadafi.

What is the best we can hope for in this Libyan War? That our planes take out Gadafi’s mobile unites (tanks, troop transports, anti-aircraft mobile units), and convert his army into an infantry without wheels or air-power. That just might work. Only time will tell.

But there is no getting around the fact that this is no way to enter into war. In war, luck and hope get people killed. Plans and bombs win the day.

As critical as I am of Obama in this matter, I must say that I hope that Gadafi is gone, at the end of the day, seriously.

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