Tales of Opposition Support Against Scott Walker exposed in this report. Hint: Pro-Walker folks won the day and it was not even close.

What about Wisconsin? What was the truth about the demonstrations and emailed opposition?

First, 25,000 t0 40,000 people at the peak of the demonstrations were bused in from out of city and out of state by the unions, MoveOn.org and Obama's Organizing for America. In other words, the demonstrations did not begin to represent what the Bigoted Press wanted you to believe.

Secondly, in an investigative report put together by the Bigoted Media, it was discovered that email support for Scott Walker and the patriotic Republicans ran 2 to 1 in favor of the conservative agenda.

The Bigoted Press is quick to point out that a third of the Walker emails came from out of state, and the rest of the media thinks that this spells "defeat" in terms of popular email expression.

But WAIT, there is more !!! Think about it. Take the number "100." A two to one margin would be 66 emails to 33. If a third of the 66 emails do not count because they came from out of state, what do we have? We have 44 emails to 33 -- still a very one-sided display of support for Scott Walker and Company.

If this was counted in the thousands, we would have (of course) 4,400 in favor of Walker to 3,300 against and we all know that none of the anti-Walker emails were written by Union thugs, MoveOn.org volunteers or OFA punksters.

Get the drift? In-state support for Walker is substantial.

You read it first, here at Midknight Review.

Dang, I'm good.

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