An one-time friend, Jeremiah Wright rants against whatever while Obama tries to stifle the pastor's influence in his own life.

Here is my theory as to Obama's passion for his political point of view. In a word, my theory is Jeremiah Wright. Indeed, Obama threw him aside in 2008, but there can be no doubt that this maniac religious leaders has had a deep and abiding influence upon Obama. As a young man of 26, Obama began a process of indoctrination that lasted 22 years, up to the time of the 2008 elections. To believe that Jeremiah Wright has no effect on Obama, even today, that the anger and disgust for this country is not an ingrained influence bordering on an emotional persuasion, is to believe a lie. Understand that the angry passion of the illegitimate pastor is one side of an emotional battle Obama is having with himself. I believe that he wanted to be a man of principle, but the established principles of his pastor, Jeremiah Wright. Once in office, Obama discovered that the kind of expressed passion seen in this current video, would get him absolutely nowhere. Understand that in showing this video, we know that Wright and Louis Farrakhan are irrelevant purveyor's of hate, "irrelevant" being the key word. The point of this post is not about Wright so much as it is about what must be the continuing "battle within," experienced by our novice Head of State.

In the truest of realities, there is within each of us "the new man and the old man." That is not just a religious concept, it is a fact of our inner lives. Obama is only two years into this "war within." He is confused and has no one to whom he can turn. The battle is his, and his alone . . . . and he is losing the war if its final manifestation is a distinct and specific emotional directive that finds him in-charge of his vision for the future.

It is obvious to me, that Obama has no such vision, that he is more confused today than he was when he took office. The personal backlash to his leadership was not expected (by Obama) and the growing lack of confidence is a humiliation that goes beyond knowledge of how to deal with it.

As we consider Obama's statement when asked about pending defeat in the midterms, assuring his minions that a Democrat disaster would not be the case because "you have me," we see a man fully convinced that he could change the course of the 2010 elections. There is no doubt that the November midterms spoke to Obama in ways that he could never have imagined.

And now, he is desperately working to recover "that old black magic," if I might quote from an old song title (Sinatra, I think). We have made the point before: Obama is becoming as irrelevant as his two one-time friends. How it will end, none of us know.

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