Organized Whining is a remarkable thing even if criminal in scope and intent.

The exWoodstock druggies, some know them as "school teachers" and "grown-ups," are at it again.

Understand that the several hundred rioters in Madison, as we write this post, have been bused in and/or organized by Obama's volunteer army, Organization for America, and the Marxist folks at

This is not the picture of the people of Wisconsin but, rather, a picture of union demonstrators and thugs organized for the sake of a comprehensive "photo shoot," and nothing more.

This bunch of misfits saw their political leaders run like rabbits from their legislative duties and hide in an adjoining state, to avoid arrest for their illegal absence.

The GOP legislators have been moved from the Capitol building for safety concerns. Understand that the GOP does not do such things. And if they did, the grassroots conservative movement would reject such politicians.

Never believe the lie that this is "democracy in action" Mob rule should never be given any credit, especially in a country where free elections are frequent and fair. State officials should never negotiate with criminally compromised legislators.


  1. Six time union president Ronald Reagan:

    "where free unions and collective bargaining are forbidden, freedom is lost." --Ronald Reagan

    "One of the most elemental human rights is the right to belong to a free trade union." -- Ronald Reagan.

  2. He wasn't talking "public unions," moron.

  3. Oh, be sure not to quote FDR or George Meany in their opposition to the public unions and collective bargaining within those ranks.

  4. So you agree that unions are essential to maintaining a free society.
