National Security fears are higher for the Obama Democrats since the days of George H Bush !!

Since early 2009, the gap between the Marxist Democrats and the GOP regarding national security is growing. At this report, the gap is a whopping 17 points, 50% trusting the GOP for national security and only 33% trusting the Dems.

Click on chart to enlarge

What is most significant with this chart is the demonstrable fact that the widening gap has been on the increase since the early days of Obama's last term. That increase has been steady, the gap widening at a faster rate than anytime since the beginning of the decade.

I believe this is an indictment against Obama and Company, a fact that may be one of the larger issues during the coming 2012 election season.

Added to the sad state of affairs as relates to the economy, rising energy and food prices and the rapidly growing cost of health care despite the idiot legislation we call ObamaCare and you have a major defeat for Obama and his Socialist Party in the works.

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