Libya, another example of an American dictator hard at work.

Of the dozen or so issues that "bug" me most about Obama, this headline presents a problem that is near the top of my list: HOLDER: Gadhafi's Presence In Libya 'Has Got To End'... . On one hand and over and over again, Obama is telling the world that "getting rid of Gadafi is not the objective of the current Libyan fly-over." On the other, people who should know, have a different opinion.

I have lost track as to the number of times his words conflict with both himself and those in his Administration. The right hand truly does not know what the left hand is doing or thinking. It was recently reported that Obama has not had so much as a phone conversation with 6 different members of his cabinet. We are talking about a current circumstance. After two years, none or very little communication. And if that is true with members of his own cabinet, well, it is not a stretch to believe that he has not discussed the current Libyan situation with the likes of his Attorney General, Eric Holder.

Even more distressing is the fact that these critical decisions are, apparently, being made by Obama with much if any input. The Libyan situation? He decided to circumvent congress and make his decision based upon an agreement with international community via an UN amendment. In other words, Obama felt empowered to make his decision because of his association within the world's community and not as a representative of the United States of America.

As a result, there is no exit strategy and, if Gadafi is not the reason for the military action, we have no stated description as to the mission's measure of success. We are just flying around killing people and breaking things.

Conclusion? Obama seems to think that he has been empowered as president to make whatever decisions he deems necessary. This is not leadership. It is dictatorship.

Related article:

Regime change versus Obama's other rhetorical nonsense.

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