Good Thursday Morning: Different Day - Same Old Snuff.

We begin our coverage and commentary with this headline: Debt Jumps $72B Same Day House Votes to Cut Spending $6B...

Think about that headline for a moment. What it is telling us is the national debt grows at the rate of 72 billion per day. We will add another 1.6 trillion dollars to our debt just this year.

In other words, things are so bad that if we cut one trillion from our annual 4 trillion dollar budget, we would not be keeping up with the advancing debt. When folks talk about the Clinton years and the balancing of the budget, we should know that the national public debt continued to grow at its current rate. The budget and the national debt are two different things.

If the congress thinks it is going to get away with cutting a 10th of what we spend in a single day, well, they are not listening to the folks who put them in office. The promise from the GOP was to cut a 100 billion from the current spending plans -- saving us two days of debt. If we cannot get that done, the wheels are getting ready come off the wagon.

Democrat or Republican, you need to write your congressman and tell them to "get with the program." Rand Paul has a plan for 500 billion worth of cuts or 4.5 months of our annual deficit spending ticket. The only way meaningful cuts will happen, in today's political setting, is for both parties to join in a serious effort. Blame and anger would be dispersed and the job of getting back to a realistic or sustainable spending curve would be the end result.

Or, wait until our lenders demand a higher interest rate and the national mandated venue goes to hell. If we do not deal with this matter now, the time is just around the corner when we will have to cut Social Security and Medicare benefits to the 65 and older crowd -- not as a matter of policy but as the result of the fact that we have no more money. It is a matter of time. Take THAT to the bank.

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