Apparently the GOP did not get the memo, either. When it comes to spending, the TEA party movement is non-partisan.

GOP leaders, mainline caucus fume at conservative ‘no’ votes on three-week CRGOP leaders and much of the mainline party caucus that voted for a three-week continuing resolution Tuesday are fuming at the 54 conservative Republicans who voted no — and the right-wing activists who cheered them on. >>>>>

Editor's notes: understand this: the TEA party (Taxed Enough Already) is as non-partisan as it gets. There are millions of us, enough to sway elections if not win them, outright and the one issue that unites us is the spending issue.

Understand that when it comes to spending, TEA party members are not the political nutcase collective. It is those in both parties who think that deficit spending is no big deal who are the wingnuts. People do not seem to realize that more than 40% of our national debt, from the beginnings of our history, has accrued in the past three years. The 2011 fiscal year is projected to add to the national debt by another 1.5 trillion dollars [a CBO number]. What will be lost in the reporting is the fact that the Obama Administration put out information, when it was mouthing off about the extended value of the 2009 Stimulus, that this year's debt would be "only" 800 billion. Instead, it is three times that amount.

Anyone remember when Obama was bragging about cutting the deficit in half by 2012? Well, that ain't going to happen. Heck, the 2011 fiscal year does not end until September 30 of . . . . . . . . . 2012.

In recent statements made this past February, Obama pretended that his budget would cut spending by 1.1 trillion dollars. What he meant to say apparently, was this, "I will cut back on what I intended to spend and call that a 'spending cut.' " That is Obama's train of thought. The CBO has a different opinion, one that we have stated in this particular post. The fact of the matter is this, Obama has NO substantial cuts in his budget proposal and intends to block any meaningful cuts coming from the House of Representatives -- where all spending bills are to originate.

Point of post: to give the reader another reason for voting our absentee president out of office, come next year.

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