Even foreign leaders see Obama's ineptness.

In the Express, a digital publication out of the U.K., we have this headline: Barack Obama - The Weakest President in History?

The article cited above is a brief review of a number of circumstances in which Obama has issued statements, many of which were delayed, but has done next to nothing beyond the photo op and speech. What is significant is the fact that this commentary comes out of Europe, from folks who were/are considered to friends of the United States.

Obama gave a speech in Cairo in the early summer of 2009. He followed that up with nothing, in terms of diplomacy, except to anger Israel and give Hamas in Gaza 1.3 billion dollars in aid.

He has harmed the partnerships of Israel and Great Briton, sided with Honduran communists in a failed attempt at a hostile takeover of that country's governance, did nothing for 8 days at the beginning of the Gulf oil crisis, did nothing about Gadafi after calling for his removal from Libyan leadership, stood by while the freedom fighters in Iran suffered and died for their cause, allowed Iran the first serious steps to becoming a nuclear power, turned the health care debate over to Reid and Pelosi while doing nothing, on a personal level , to craft the details of that bill and has worked a domestic strategy that circumvents the legislative branch as he functions in a dictatorial manner via executive order and agency regulations.

His failings are comprehensive and obvious at all levels of presidential governance. Many in this country know this. More are waking up to the reality and, those outside our country, in increasing numbers, are aware of his ineptness as a world leader. What is most discouraging is the fact that our enemies know of his immaturity as a leader, as well. Understand that because of this issue, the danger to our country has increased, simply because of his ineptness and indecision as a leader.

It will take years and years to clean up the mess he is creating, that is, if we all survive his time in office.

1 comment:

  1. This article factually outlines all the key accomplishments of Obama. Mainly late, weak, and poor decisions. Most people don't understand how damaging his inaction on economics are going to play out. He is going to hurt middle and lower America drastically unless he changes course. We have no good successors wheterh Dem or Repub. We need to choose someone who is able not charming.
