Obama's popularity nears record lows.

According to Rasmussen, Obama's popularity had surged to 52% on the 25th of January, the day he gave that nothing State of the Union Address. 48 hours later, his numbers had fallen to 46%. He rebounded a bit from that fall, but this past week has been a disaster for Obama.

As I write this post, his approval number is 42% and those who "strongly support" Obama has fallen to 20%. In the past week, what has he done? Well, he took in two days of golf and gave a speech about unequal pay. The world is going up in smoke and O B 1 is talking about unequal pay.
Qaddafi is running around Libya murdering as many people as he can. The freedom fighters are screaming for help and Obama, the leader of the free world, has done absolutely nothing.

You might argue that he his gone to the UN and the World Heath Organization and NATO and I would respond, "See, I told you he has done absolutely nothing."

Oh, I forgot. He did give that speech on equal pay for women.

You should know that all the talk the past several days, from all quarters, has been about his lack of leadership. I believe that Obama's problem is not his "popularity," but, rather, the fact that, more and more, people on both sides of the political aisle see him as irrelevant.

Update: as a follow up to our claim that he is being criticized on both sides with regards to his leadership, we have this in the Marxist rag, the Huffington Post:

Anthony Weiner: Obama Is ‘Not A Values Guy’WASHINGTON — Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) and a handful of other House Democrats expressed deep frustration with President Barack Obama's leadership on Wednesday, saying he needs to do more to set the direction for the progressive movement.

Understand that when Anthony Weiner (aptly named, btw) complains about his president, you know things are really bad. And the point of our post is confirmed.


  1. Any moron can look at this and see one number that is waaaay out of line, particularly since Rasmussen has the worst record for accuracy and bias.

    Obama is up 3 points in Gallup.

    Smithson believes only what he wants to believe, forget about the facts. That is way we have moron science deniers running the GOP.

  2. Actually, Rasmussen is one of the three most credible polling firms, used by Dems and Republicans alike.

    If I only believed what I wanted to believe, I would not have accepted Rasmussen's 52% approval rating for Obama on Jan. 25.

    Gallup has Obama's approval numbers at 45% as of yesterday. In fact, the long term chart of Obama's numbers on Gallup and Rasmussen are almost identical. So tell your lies to someone else, William. Your are too easy.

    Your "science deniers" understand the impact of scientific collusion within the green community. They understand what a "lie" is and they understand what a "cover up is." Most importantly, they understand that excessive cold is not caused by global warming.

  3. Is that why 97% of active climatologists agree that human activity is contributing to global warming? I suppose you believe human evolution is "just a theory" and never happened?

    If your puppet masters like Limbaugh, Levin, Savage, Palin all admitted human contributions to global warming, you'd believe differently.
