Serious concerns about Obama's economic strategy -- from the Left.

Most folks do not know who David Gregroy is. He acquired some notoriety as a very aggressive Washington correspondent - especially liberal and extremely biased against the Bush 43 Administration. In fact, he was quite the punk about it. Then Tim Russert died and the postition on Meet the Press was opened.

These words from the video are most important. Do not forget that Gregory was a huge Obama supporter. Listen to the video and/or let the printed script sink in:

Gregory's words:

“ . . . I do speak to business leaders quite often as well and I hear it time and time, again, that what you got at the administration are two problems. One, you’ve got nobody in the inner sanctum of the president’s advisers who has ever run a business, who have never run a business and that's a real problem. I think there's a level of recognition about that being a problem in the West Wing as well but the rhetoric and the policy substantively, a lot of people feel, is anti-business and getting to a point where it could really discourage businesses in the United States and certainly the multinationals working here as well. That’s a problem and I think that element of criticism from Joe Barton, while off the reservation substantively, got to that larger point, which is this populist strain.”

“I think they would like to have more people advising the President who have that business acumen, but, let’s call it what it is, they made a decision early on in this financial crisis they were going to demonize anybody from Wall Street; they wouldn’t take anybody who had the quote, unquote ‘taint of Wall Street’ and that's a problem because you have the expertise that they could have leveraged, brought inside, to try to deal with financial regulation and all the rest. He's going to get financial reforms, but nevertheless, they made the decision, going back to the AIG mess and the bonuses. And that has carried forward.”

Gregory went on to picture the Administration as concerned about the continuing practice of the private sector to horde cash. Most analysts place the increasing pool of private sector money at 1.86 trillion dollars while others place the total at more than 2 trillion dollars.
Understand that 80% of all new job creation is the result of efforts in the private sector.

Obama has succeeded shutting down the private business economy and without that, the recovery will never really get off the ground. Most recessions last only 18 months. The Great Recession lasted from 1929 into the early 1950's.

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