"I always ask myself if it seems the candidate understands the importance of protecting our Constitution, first, of course. And if they have a record of, or at least articulate plans for, fighting for freedom, both economically and militarily, I inherently root for the underdog, and I end up going with my gut."
24 endorsements - maybe more.
Lindsey Graham - OK, say what you will. Midknight Review has not made up its mind on this Senator. When we actually listen to Graham defend his point of view, it usually makes sense.
Carly Fiorina - comes from 3rd to win GOP primary after Palin’s endorsement
Meg Whitman – wins GOP primary
Terry Branstad - wins Iowa gubernatorial race GOP primary. His opponent was Bob Vander Plaats, a favorite of the Tea Parties, Focus on the Family and Mike Huckabee -- a very important endorsement victory for the Governor.
Arkansas state Sen. Cecile Bledsoe - he narrowly loses
South Carolina state Rep. Nikki Haley - gubernatorial race (Haley was firmly in 4th place in the GOP primary before Palin’s endorsement.)
Rand Paul - a GOP primary winner in Kentucky
Vaughn Ward, an Idaho House hopeful -- loses in his primary bid because of campaign problems.
Scott Brown - a disappointment to some. We think the jury is still out on this Senator.
Bob McDonnell in his successful bid for Virginia State Governor
Doug Hoffman (NY ‘s 23rd) - Hoffman loses a very close race.
Rick Perry -- winner in his re-election bid as Texas governor.
Jan Brewer – current governor of Arizona. She is up for election this fall, as well.
Susana Martinez for Governor in New Mexico
Marsha Blackburn for Congress
Oklahoma, Mary Fallin for governor (she wins the GOP primary).
John McCain -- we understand her support here, although it sickens us to no end.
Michele Bachmann -- Minnesota US Congressional Representative. Pelosi and Comrades have decided to invest heavily in Bachmann’s defeat.
Richard Burr -- US Senator from North Carolina
John Thun - running for Senator in South Dakota
Chuck Grassley - Senator out of Iowa - a great conservative.
Jim DeMint -- Senator out of South Carolina - another great conservative influence.
Rob Portman -- for US Senate seat out of Ohio.
Sharron Angle -- US Senate seat out of Nevada against Harry Reid. Note: Palin’s father endorsed Danny
Tarkanian in the primary. Before Sarah Palin’s endorsement, Angle was a rather distant third in the contest.
Editor's note: Palin did not attend CPAC, sending a message that she intended to be her own person with the help of the “good old boys” of the GOP. Good for her.-- research and text by jds.
Sharron Angle was not endorsed by Palin during the primary.