Obama spends half a mill for a 10 minute speech in hard hit Ohio and the crowd smiles.

Rather than stay in the office and get something done, Party Boy, Barack Obama, spends $500,000 to fly to Ohio to give a 10 minute speech to a group of unpaid workers (they had to take the day off without pay because of the Obama trip -- note how clean everyone is). Understand that the Ohio unemployment rate is a whopping 10.7% with little relief in sight.

Click on the picture to enlarge. Check out the guy in the suit to the right of the white robed fellow -- looks like the guy in the suit is resting his head in his right hand, trying to stay awake. Huh. He only had to last 10 minutes and couldn't even do that.

Note the smiles on the workers' faces -- to the man, sheer excitement. And what about the guy with the white medical jacket? Then there is the matter of the photo opt, itself, and the free national advertising for Caterpillar. Oh !! We almost forgot about the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act" sign. Apparently, someone dug it up, brought it into the camera's view and leaned it up against the Cat front-end loader.

To think that we are paying this clown for all of the above. He does something similar once, twice, three times a day (he delivered 726 speeches in 2009) . . . . . and he is able to squeeze in a round of golf, a few photo opts with sports teams and whatever, AND attend the evening's White House party (there were 332 such parties in 2009 . . . . . . seriously).

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