What's wrong with this headline: UPDATE 3-W. House to post health bill before Feb 25 meeting ?

There is no stinking health care bill -- that's what is wrong with headline !! Certainly, there is a Senate version and a House version but they have not been combined via legislative process (called a "conference report") . Is Obama preparing to do an end run around congress, using the February 25th meeting as a guise? Will he and the marxist leadership evoke "reconciliation" and cram healthcare through congress? Do they dare? They have threatened as much before - several times in fact.

Why the push for this particular health care bill? Because it collects cash (you know this as "taxation without representation") for 4 years before the health care provision goes into effect. Understand that these Marxist clowns have spent trillions of your dollars in 2009 with the notion in mind that they would have four years of tax collections at their disposal via health care PLUS the taxes from "Cap and Trade." Instead, they spent the money but were defeated in Congress with regard to the issue of "taxation without representation."

If they cannot get their hands on trillions of dollars ASAP, everything they have worked for, in dark of night and [literally] behind closed doors, will be to no avail.
. .

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